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Guinea pigs belong to the Caviidae family [source]


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Meet Rosie the Happy Cavy!

Published 7/5/2015 | Updated 4/8/2024
Category: New Guinea Pigs | HappyCavy

Two Teddy guinea pigs in a blanket

Rosie and Winnie: best guinea pig friends #twinning

Summer is a time for new friends, fun, and adventure. And, the HappyCavy Herd is working on all three in 2015!

Recap: Winnie the Guinea Pig

Since the recent (unsuccessful) attempt to introduce Winnie to Buttercup and Feebee, Miss Winnie has been living by herself in a VIP section of the the HappyCavy Forever Home.

Winnie is a naturally curious and energetic guinea pig. Life is her oyster — and she’s willing to take what she can.

But, she clearly wanted more than living solo. So, it wasn’t a surprise when — after several weeks of being on her own — she began to display signs of loneliness: Whether she was trying to say “hello” through the cage seperator with Buttercup and Feebee (but ignored), frequently chewing on the cage bars from boredom, or sleeping through many parts of the day, it was obvious: Poor Winnie was lonely.

Fortunately, The Humans knew this day might come.

She needed a friend close in age to her and who could pair well with her feisty personality.

Rosie the HappyCavy

Introducing: Rosie!

Photo of Rosie the day she was rescued

The Humans met Rosie the Guinea Pig at The Portland Guinea Pig Rescue when they visited to adopt Winnie. After meeting Winnie the Wiggly, they learned she and Rosie were brought in around the same time by the rescue. Rosie was dumped in a public park in North Portland; Winnie was rescued from a home where she was living with seven other guinea pigs, surviving off a diet of cat food.

Winnie and Rosie briefly lived side-by-side as friends at the rescue, until Rosie was separated for quarantine to monitor a scar on her back. (The scar has since healed, and all tests results were negative for infection.)

So, when Winnie started giving the lonely looks, The Humans knew it was Rosie the Guinea Pig who could save the day.

Teddy breed guinea pig


Rosie was adopted on June 6th, and she is taking her time (which she deserves!) to get comfortable with her house and new friend.

Rosie is a Teddy guinea pig, just like Winnie. She’s plump and happy, and as sweet as could be — which pairs perfectly with Winnie’s scrappy attitude. She shrieks if Humans get too close, or even if Winnie tries to snuggle too tightly in a pigloo.

But, one of Winnie’s new duties appears to be running next to Rosie to “guard” her when their cage is being cleaned, or even when she looks just a little bit afraid. Winnie has got it down; Rosie’s still figuring it out.

Teddy breed guinea pig in cage

Rosie cannot even.

Rosie clearly needs more time and one-on-one attention, and The Humans (and Winnie) are ready to give her as much as she needs.

See more photos of Rosie!

Want to see more? Click here for a larger photo set of Rosie the guinea pig!

When Will We Meet Rosie?

If all goes well, Rosie will make her debut on the HappyCavy Guinea Pig Webcams on Saturday, July 18th.

UPDATE 7/18/2015

Cartoon graphic of guinea pig

Rosie is now live on webcam #3 and #4.

Jump to the webcams — say “hi”!

Stay tuned, and follow us on Instagram and Twitter!

In the meantime, say “hello” to Rosie in the comments section below! She would love to hear from you!

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About HappyCavy

HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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Lord Piglet
Lord Piglet
9 years ago

Well done for helping not just Rosie who has clearly landed on her paws, but such a good cause, they have enough pigs as it is to house, and I’m sure they were relieved to see Rosie go to a good home!

Reply to  Lord Piglet
9 years ago

Thanks, Lord Piglet! She sure is happy to be with us 🙂

Donovan Eady
Donovan Eady
9 years ago

Hope your having fun in your new home Rosie! You landed yourself in the right spot! Your gonna have so much fun with Winnie! Good Luck Cutie-pie!

9 years ago

Yay Rosie!

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