A male guinea pig is a boar, a female guinea pig is a sow [source]
Winnie passed away November 23, 2020, due to complications from dental surgery. She will be greatly missed from the HappyCavy Herd.
Run free, sweet Winnie. We love you.
More About Winnie: Where I Live, What I Eat
My Best Friend: Rosie
Other Cagemates: Baby Roo, JuneBug
Winnie the guinea pig was adopted on February 8, 2015 after being rescued from a home where she was with seven other guinea pigs fed a diet of cat food. Poor thing!
Winnie is a spry, athletic little girl with plenty of energy to keep The Humans, and her best friend Rosie, busy.
To catch up on Winnie’s story, read her blog post Is the World Ready for a New Happy Cavy? and follow the #winnieguinea hashtag on Twitter.
Follow the Winnie tag on the HappyCavy Blog.