
highlighting the fun and serious moments of caring for guinea pigs

Guinea pig blog with care advice, recommendations and health tips

Guinea pigs were first domesticated in South America [source]

HappyCavy's #CavyCare Twitter Tips

    Take time to brush your guinea pig’s coat once a week (or once a day for long-haired). This keeps a nice coat & reduces shedding #cavycare

    Archive | follow @happycavy

Product Recommendation:

Guinea Pig Absorbent Cage Liner

San Jose
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San Jose, California: Jenny the Stolen Guinea Pig

Published 6/15/2014 | Guinea Pig News | HappyCavy

San Jose, California: Jenny the Stolen Guinea Pig

Wed, June 11th - San Jose, CA: 5 year old guinea pig named Jenny was stolen from Andy's Pet Shop. Staff have reason to believe that Jenny may be used for breeding, which could kill her due to advanced age. Those who have information about Jenny shoul...

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The HappyCavy guinea pig blog shares the joys and challenges of raising happy and healthy guinea pigs.

You'll find tips on guinea pig health, diet and proper care and lifestyle content such as news and entertainment.

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