
highlighting the fun and serious moments of caring for guinea pigs

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A baby guinea pig is often called pup or piglet [source]


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The HappyCavy webcams and Guinea Pig Treat Machine went offline on April 8, 2024.

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Is the World Ready for a New Happy Cavy?

Published 2/25/2015 | Updated 4/8/2024
Category: Herd Happenings | HappyCavy

Guinea pig webcam debut announcement

Winnie the guinea pig will make her debut on the webcams on February 28th

Winnie Updates!

Looking for updates on Winnie’s introduction to The Herd? Click here!

It’s a great day, friends! Why? Because we have some really exciting news to share with you!

But first, let’s recap the recent goings-on around here.

As our friends already know, the end of 2014 was a rough time for the HappyCavy family.

In the short span of four months, we lost two beloved guinea pigs: Dot and Hammy, one of the original webcam cavies.

It’s taken time for The Humans to heal and The Herd to grieve. Things slowed down at the Forever Home, moods turned melancholy, and we each had time to reflect on the joys and heartaches of the friendships that have come and gone throughout the years. But, as grief subsides and sadness turns into rose-colored memories, we feel the time has come to give another guinea pig the chance at a HappyCavy life.

And we aren’t wasting any time!

This Saturday, February 28th, a new HappyCavy guinea pig will be introduced to our friends and family on HappyCavy.com! Squee!


Note: The guinea pig webcams had their last broadcast on April 7, 2024.


Winnie is now LIVE on the webcams! Visit the guinea pig web cams to see her now!


Feebee and Winnie were not able to reconcile their differences during yesterday’s final introduction attempt. So the verdict is in: Winnie will be getting her own VIP space inside the HappyCavy Forever Home.

In the coming several weeks, The Humans will be modifying the guinea pig palace for Winnie’s space. Stay tuned as we prepare for Winnie’s inclusion in the HappyCavy Forever Home!


The Humans attempted another round of introductions last night. They lasted several hours with no major incidence. However, in the last hour Feebee began chattering and running after Winnie. There were several nips, and Winnie grew very uncomfortable. For her safety, and the safety of Feebee and Buttercup, Winnie was removed.

The Humans will make one more attempt at introductions on Saturday, March 14. If the guinea pigs continue to not get along, The Humans will build Winnie a space within the HappyCavy Forever Home, similar to Dot’s.


Winnie’s introduction to The Herd has been postponed until Feebee and her can reconcile their differences. We hope within the next few weekends we can have Winnie on the webcams!



Winnie is being introduced TONIGHT on Friday, February 27th at 8pm Pacific Time. After this time, no guinea pigs will be on camera. If all guinea pigs get along, Winnie will appear on the HappyCavy.com webcams tomorrow, February 28th.

Winnie the guinea pig is a young, playful Teddy that The Humans adopted from a local rescue last week. Since her adoption, she has been kept in a separate cage from Feebee and Buttercup while she is monitored for signs of potential illness.

During Winnie’s quarantine, she has adjusted very well to her surroundings. She appears to love her new home, as she is already pop-corning in anticipation of making new friends.

We’re sure she’ll make great friends with Buttercup and Feebee, and we can’t wait for you to meet her!

How can you meet Winnie?

Turn on the webcams this Saturday, February 28th, to say “hi” to Winnie for the first time on HappyCavy.com!

Photos and updates will be posted to the Guinea Pig Blog, Facebook, and Twitter, and Instagram.

Leave a comment welcoming Winnie!

Give Winnie some HappyCavy love! Leave her a warm welcome in the comment section below and we’ll make sure she gets your message!

See you soon, friends!

A photo posted by happycavy (@happycavy) on

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About HappyCavy

HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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Linda H.
Linda H.
10 years ago

Welcome, Winnie! I rescued a guinea pig with white fur and pink (not red) eyes. She has pink ears and paws. She was passed over for a long time because people didn’t like her coloring. Snowball is a year old and has been kept in a cage with other piggies that came and went. She’s just getting used to her new environment and has found, what I call her – zoom zooms – in the evenings. I feed her a strict piggie diet (my friend feeds her guinea pig people food). I wish you well, Winnie. Your Human knows what he’s doing. I’ll keep in touch.

Reply to  Linda H.
10 years ago

Thank you, Linda! It sounds like you may know what you’re doing, too 🙂 Fuzzy nose robs to your piggies and keep in touch! We love chatting with our friends 🙂

10 years ago

I can’t wait to see you Winnie! I love some rescued piggies

10 years ago

Welcome to your new home Winnie! You were chosen by humans who will spoil you rotten with love, hay and veggies. We as the watchers are the ones who will spoil you with treats. I can’t wait

10 years ago

Hi Winnie! You are already in your forever home and getting happier every day. I am so glad! My best friend was Piggie, my female Dutch guinea pig who lived just a week short of her 8th birthday! She would jump up into my hands to go “home” after play time. I look forward to seeing you, Winnie! You have a happy cavy life now! FeeBee and Buttercup will be your best friends!

10 years ago

Hi Winnie, you are very welcome by all your piggy friend. It has been a rough time for your human so you can help heal the pain. What a cutie you must be. When will we see your picture? I just went through two piggies, both 7, dying these past two months. Just devastating. I have adopted two more and they are a big help as you will be too.

Reply to  EHarris
10 years ago

Thank you! We’ve passed along your well-wishes to Lil Winnie 🙂 Once Feebee and Winnie can get along (Buttercup is already friendly towards her), then Winnie’s photo will be posted online. We can’t wait!

Reply to  Gina
10 years ago

Thank you, Gina! 😀 Can’t wait!

Reply to  Kutekitties
10 years ago

Thank you, Kutekitties! I’m so excited to settle in to my new home 🙂

10 years ago

I’m looking for some advice my poor little bubba has a severe case of pneumonia and I have some meds from the vet but just wanna know if there is anything else I can do to get him back to his spunky self faster.
Oh and even though he isn’t feeling well he says hi to Winnie

Reply to  Shelby
10 years ago

Aww, what a cutie! I would just stick with what the doctor has ordered. And as we’ve nevre dealt with pneumonia before, how about posing your question to the Guinea Lynx Medical forum. I’m sure there are tons of people who can help! 😀

Reply to  HappyCavy
10 years ago

Thank you all he wants to do is cuddle right now

Nevaeh Gariepy
Nevaeh Gariepy
9 years ago

Omg I just got a new baby guinea her name is rose she’s 6 weeks old and i love so much I just hope she doesn’t miss her mom and sibbblings I’ve been bonding with so far very successful when I held her she was purring but wish me luck!

Nevaeh Gariepy
Nevaeh Gariepy
9 years ago

I’ve had a guinea pig die it was so sad……. 🙁 but at least I get a guinea pig:)

Nevaeh Gariepy
Nevaeh Gariepy
9 years ago

Awe me and my guinea pig are cuddling

Reply to  Nevaeh Gariepy
9 years ago

Awwww, hi Rose!! You’re so tiny and cute!

Nevaeh Gariepy
Nevaeh Gariepy
Reply to  HappyCavy
9 years ago

Thanks rose also so hi she’s only six weeks old

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