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Vegetables and Fruits Safe for Guinea Pigs To Eat – The Happy Cavy “Snack” List

Published 5/31/2010 | Updated 12/3/2024
Category: Guinea Pig Diet | HappyCavy

Guinea pig safe food list
Photo courtesy of HappyCavy fan pyza*

Guinea pigs are always eating. Whether it’s pellets, grass hay, daily greens, or the occasional fruit snack, it may often seem like your guinea pig is born to eat (and create magic beans).

With an insatiable diet comes the responsibility to learn what constitutes a proper guinea pig diet. Choosing guinea pig safe foods can be a bit of a challenge. There are so many types of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that guinea pigs can eat.

So what should you be feeding your guinea pig?

What fruits and ?  What fruits can guinea pigs eat?? And herbs? What about those?

  • What can guinea pigs eat?
  • Which vegetables, fruits, and herbs are safe to feed your guinea pig?
  • Are the foods you have been giving your cavy “guinea pig safe“?
  • Besides water, high-quality hay, and pellets, what else can your guinea pig eat?

→ Jump to the Guinea Pig Safe Food List

First, let’s take a look at the basics of a guinea pig diet or jump to What The Happy Cavy Herd Eats for a general guide on the daily dietary requirements of guinea pigs.

A guinea pig’s diet should consist of the following:

#1. Water

Glass Water Bottle

A constant fresh source of fresh (preferably filtered but NOT distilled) clean, room-temperature water is an absolute must.

Water bottles should be emptied, rinsed, and re-filled each day.

#2. Grass Hay

Small Pet Select

High-quality grass hay (such as timothy hay) should be available at all times for your guinea pig. Hay delivers the fiber that that is essential for your guinea pig to be able to properly digest and proces food and nutrients. Without a constant intake of fresh hay, guinea pigs’ digestive tracks can shut down. Plus, hay helps guinea pigs keep their teeth clean prevents their teeth from growing too long.

How do you know if hay is high-quality? High-quality hay should be green with pliable stalks, free of mold and foreign particulates, and fragrant (not dusty or void of smell). Cheap, store-bought hay is no substitute for fresh, high-quality yummy goodness.

Most hay purchased at “big box” stores (PetCo, etc.) is NOT high-quality hay. Farm-to-cage is ideal and special caution should be taken when providing the most important food of your guinea pig’s diet: high-quality, pesticide(?) free hay.

NOTE: An alfalfa hay mix (1/2 timothy, 1/2 alfalfa) should be primarily fed to young guinea pigs under the age of 4 months and pregnant or nursing cavies. Because alfalfa hay is high in calcium, it should NOT be fed to healthy, adult cavies. Healthy, adult guinea pigs should be fed lower-calcium hays such as timothy hay or orchard grass hay.

#3. Pellets

Guinea Pig Pellets

Provide your guinea pig with about 1/4 – 1/8 cup of plain, corn- and seed-free guinea pig pellets for eating each day. Pellets are less important than a constant supply of fresh grass hay, though pellets can provide additional vitamins and nutrients that your guinea pig isn’t getting from hay alone, especially if the pellets are fortified in Vitamin C.

Guinea pig pellets should consist of only high-quality hay and should be served in a ceramic bowl, which is large enough to not tip over.

NOTE: Pellets alone are NOT a substitute for hay! High-quality grass hay is a must for proper guinea pig health.

Vitamin C

Like Humans, guinea pigs cannot manufacture their own vitamin C. To prevent survy and other health issues, each guinea pig should get 10 to 30 milligrams of Vitamin C each day; young, ill, nursing and/or pregnant animals require extra Vitamin C. While many guinea pigs will get an adequate serving of Vitamin C from vegetables and pellets, you may wish to supplement your cavy’s diet with a small amount of Vitamin C, either in power or tablet form.

NOTE: It is NOT recommended that you use water-soluable drops for supplementing Vitamin C. Watch How to Give Vitamin C to Your Guinea Pig (video) to see how HappyCavies get their Vitamin C.

Vegetables, Herbs, & Other Foods

Vegetables at Grocery Store

Guinea should be fed only up to 1 cup (240 mL) each (adults) of vegetables per day. However, it is ideal for you to limit their intake of vegetables. Just because they CAN have up to 1 cup doesn’t mean they need it. Please remember that your guinea pig’s food supply should NOT be mainly vegetables. And watch their calcium intake! Foods high in calcium can lead to the formation of bladder stones and other health issues.

To help you find which vegetables, herbs, and fruits are safe to feed your guinea pig, please refer to the Guinea Pig Food List below.

NOTE: Always introduce new foods to your guinea pig slowly and patiently. Begin introducing new foods by providing a small piece or two during the “first try”. Then, portions of a particular guinea pig safe food may be increased slightly with each subsequent serving. The way that you introduce nutrients is as important as a healthy diet. Guinea pigs have a sensitive digestive system which is easily upset.

Help Us Maintain The Food List!

There are so many foods a guinea pig can eat. If you know of a food that is not included in this list which you think we should add, please let us know!

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Guinea Pig “Safe Food List”

Updated: February 14, 2024

Click a letter to view that vegetable and refer to the “Notes” for cautionary advice.

Information on this chart is derived from the USDA FoodData Central. Information may have changed since the publication of this chart.

This chart takes into consideration several factors to arrive at our feeding frequency suggestions: sugar, calcium, phosphorous, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, oxalic acid content, and calcium to phosphorous (Ca:P) ratio. Not all fields are displayed due to space requirements. Chemical composition can be referenced at the USDA FoodData Central.

IMPORTANT: There are other important nutritional factors not represented in this chart. Please use GuineaLynx’s Vegetable/Fruit resource for additional information such as Calcium/Phosphorus Ratios and Oxalic Acid information: http://www.guinealynx.info/diet_ratio.html


Almost daily
Frequently: 2-4 times per week
Occasionally: 1-2 times per week
Rarely: 1-2 times per month

DO NOT copy or distribute this list it without express permission from HappyCavy.com. Contact us if you wish to use this list on your website.


Recommended Feeding Frequency:

Almost daily
Frequently: 2-4 times per week
Occasionally: 1-2 times per week
Rarely: 1-2 times per month

(fresh & raw)
in mg (per 100g)
in mg (per 100g)
Alfalfa – pellets 0 2200 Alfalfa pellets are suitable for young, growing and/or pregnant guinea pigs (under 1 year of age).
Ref. Pellets: Alfalfa vs Timothy.
Apple 4.60 6.00 Apple seeds are poisonous
Apricot 10.00 13.00
Arugula lettuce 15.00 160.00
Asparagus 17.69 28.14 May cause gas or bloating.
Banana 9.10 6.00 Can cause constipation.
Basil 4.5 38.0 Can cause constipation.
Beet greens/leaves
(beetroot greens/leaves)
30.00 117.00
Beets (beetroot) 4.90 16.00
Bell pepper See Peppers (capscium)
Blackberries 21.00 32.00
Blueberries 9.7 6.00 Feed in moderation.
Broccoli raab, rabe, rapini 93.00 48.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Broccolini 93.00 48.00 Stems are liked better than flowers
Brussels sprouts 85.00 42.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cabbage, green 51.00 47.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cabbage, red 57.00 51.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cabbage, Chinese pak-choi 45.00 74.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cabbage, Savoy 31.00 35.00 Feed in moderation. May cause gas or bloating.
Cantaloupe (rock melon) See Melon – Cantaloupe (rock melon)
Carrots 5.9 33.00 High Vitamin A. Feed in moderation.
Carrots, baby 2.60 32.00 High Vitamin A. Feed in moderation.
Carrots, top greens unknown unknown Unknown nutrient makeup. Feed sparingly.
Cauliflower / Broccoflower 46.40 22.00
Celery 7.00 40.00 Choking hazard. Remove the celery “veins” to prevent hazard.
Cherimoya 9.00 23.00 Very in very small amounts.
Cherries (without pits) – sour 10.00 16.00
Cherries (without pits) – sweet 7.00 13.00
Chicory, greens 24.00 100.00
Chicory, witloof 2.80 19.00
**Cilantro (corriander) 27.00 67.00 Feed in moderation.
**Collards 35.30 145.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Corn on the cob (1 med ear) 6.10 2.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cranberries 13.50 7.00 Feed in moderation.
Cress, garden 69.00 81.00
Cucumber with peel 5.30 14.00
Dandelion Greens 35.00 187.00
Dill 85.00 208.00
Eggplant 6.5 6.5
Elderberries 36.00 38.00 Feed in small amounts.
Endive (escarole) 6.50 52.00
Fennel, fronds & leaves not recorded specially for fronds & leaves not recorded specially for fronds & leaves Feed rarely.
Grapefruit, white 37.00 15.00 Sour foods can cause mouth sores.
Grapes 4.00 14.00
Grass (lawn) See Hay
Green beans, snap 12.20 37.00
Hay varies by type varies by type IMPORTANT: Read Selecting Hay.
Honeydew 120.00 135.00 See Melon – honeydew
Kale 120.00 135.00
Kiwifruit, fuzzy (kiwi or kiwi fruit) 92.70 34.00 Remove brown, fuzzy skin.
Kohlrabi 62.00 24.00 Feed in moderation.
Kumquat 37.40 44.00
Lavender 12.00 215.00
Lettuce –
butterhead, boston, bibb
3.70 35.00
Lettuce –
romaine (cos lettuce)
4.00 33.00
Lettuce –
red leaf
3.70 33.00
Mammy-apple (mamey) 14.00 11.00
Mandarin orange (or tangerine) 30.80 14.00 Feed in small amounts.
Mango 27.70 10.00
Melon – Cantaloupe (rock melon) 36.70 9.00 Feed in small amounts.
Melon – casaba 16.00 5.00
Melon – honeydew 24.80 6.00
Melon – watermelon 9.60 8.00
Mint (peppermint) 31.80 243.00
Mustard greens 70.00 103.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Nectarine 5.40 5.00
**Okra 21.10 81.00
Orange 53.20 40.00 Citrus can cause mouth sores.
Oregano 2.30 1597.00 Feed in very small amounts.
Papaya 61.80 24.00
**Parsley (curly or flat) 133.00 138.00
Parsnip 17.00 36.00
Passionfruit, purple 30.00 12.00
Peach 6.60 5.00
Peas, edible-podded 40.00 25.00
Pears – Asian 3.80 4.00
Pears – European 6.60 18.15
Peppermint 31.8 243.00
Peppers (capscium), sweet green 80.40 10.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Peppers (capscium), sweet orange 146.7 0.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Peppers (capscium), sweet red 127.70 7.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Peppers (capscium), sweet yellow 183.50 11.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Persimmon 66.00 27.00 Feed in very small amounts.
Pineapple 15.40 7.00 Citrus can cause mouth sores.
Plum 9.50 4.00
Pumpkin 11.00 39.00 High in Vitamin A.
Pumpkin Leaves 11.00 39.00 High in Vitamin A.
Quince 15.00 11.00
Radicchio 8.00 19.00
Radishes 14.80 25.00
Raspberries 26.00 25.00
Raspberry leaves (from raspberry plant) 25.00 22.00
Spearmint 13.3 199.00 Feed in very small amounts
**Spinach 28.10 99.00 May cause gas or bloating. Contains high levels of oxalic acid.
Squash, summer 17.00 15.00
Squash, winter 12.30 28.00
Starfruit 34.40 3.00
Strawberries 56.70 14.00 Feed in moderation.
Sweet potato 22.70 22.00
Sweet potato leaves 11.00 37.00
**Swiss Chard 30.00 51.00 Feed in moderation. May cause diarrhea.
Taro leaves 52.00 107.00
Thyme 160.01 405.00 Feed in moderation.
#Tomato, red, cherry tomatoes 19.10 5.00 Avoid leaves and stems (poisonous) – See Dangerous Food List
Turnip greens 60.00 190.00
Watercress 43.00 120.00
Watermelon See Melon – watermelon
Watermelon rind Vitamin & mineral content unknown. Watermelon rind is safe.
Wheatgrass ~4.00 ~28.00 Fresh grasses may cause gut upsets.
Zucchini (courgette) 28.00 1.00

# Vitamin C values for tomatoes differ depending on variety and season.

** Contains oxalic acid which may contribute to the formation of bladder stones.

Please email hello[at]happycavy.com to make additions to this list.

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HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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10 years ago

My guinea pig is about 3 1/2 weeks old, she doesn’t want any vegetables. She only eats pellets & hay. What age should she be eating vegetables?

Reply to  karen
10 years ago

I’m honestly not sure. But guinea pigs do not NEED vegetables to live a happy, healthy life. A guinea pig’s diet requires only high-quality hay, hay pellets, and fresh water. Vegetables are a snack, like potato chips are to a human. How about providing only the hay, pellets, and water and the occasional lettuce trims every month or so, if at all?

10 years ago

Hi, I just adopted a 6 week old female guinea pig, named Missy, short for Miss Piggy. I have had her for about 3 weeks. She seems to be settling well. I’m wondering how long does it usually take to be able to hold her, and train her to come to me?

10 years ago

Hello!! I was looking at your list and I noticed “Raspberry Leaves.” Is this the actual leaves off of raspberries, or the Herb known as rasberry leaves? Just wanted to make this clear. 🙂 Your list is very helpful as I am a very knew guinea pig owner, and I want what is best for my piggies, and your list lets me know that. 😀 Thank you very much!!


Reply to  Cierra
10 years ago

Hi, Cierra! The “raspberry leaves” refers to leaves off of raspberry plants. We’ve updated the list for clarity. Thanks! 😀

10 years ago

Thanks alot for the info 🙂 I just dont know how to make them play..they are shy and always hide though I hug them and play with them..I read here about pepsi boxes..I will give it a try nut any other ideas? Thanks alot

Elizabeth Kent
Elizabeth Kent
10 years ago

We just rescued a guinea pig, but my husband was terribly allergic to the pine shavings as well as the timothy hay. I switched to the paper shaving, which will be just fine, but will our piggy adapt to the timothy hay cubes instead of having the loose hay? I don’t have any other choice – we cannot keep her if we have to provide loose hay. It’s just not worth it for my husband to be totally miserable. SO, will the cubes be okay? Will she get used to them? HELP! Thanks!

Reply to  Elizabeth Kent
10 years ago

Hi, Elizabeth! Thank you for rescuing! 😀 Oh boy, we hear you. Human #2 is allergic to timothy hay. So we use orchard grass instead, since he isn’t allergic to that. So there’s one potential option.

I’m not familiar with hay cubes, but I wouldn’t see why he won’t adjust. As long as the hay can be chewed off and digested, I think that’s fine. It may take him a little bit to figure it out, though.

So, stay with cubes and see how that works. If it doesn’t, check out orchard grass. 🙂

10 years ago

I’ve had my guinea pig for two weeks now and he’s the first one I’ve ever had and I feel like he never stops eating. He has unlimited access to pellets and hay and I give him treats every day his favorites being watermelon, romaine lettuce and sweet bell peppers. If I let him out to run around he just looks at me and squeaks until I give him a treat and when he’s in his cage he will kick his hay around that he hasn’t ate and then sit there and squeak some more until I give him more. I bought him a round hay feeder to try and slow him down but he just tore it down and pushed it off his platform so I’m wondering what I can do to get him to slow down on eating because I feel like he’s getting fat and when I let him out he doesn’t run around he just sits there.

Reply to  Lucy
10 years ago

Try watermelon mine goes nuts for it

Laura Richelle Richter
Laura Richelle Richter
10 years ago

My guinea pig is named Mr. Nibbles. We call him nibbles or nibbly. I have some broccoli that was frozen that i cooked. It has nothing on it. Could he have a little or Not ?

Laura Richelle Richter
Laura Richelle Richter
Reply to  Gloria gaudet
10 years ago

Nah, some pigs are just more skiddish than other’s. Our nibbles is like that he loves to cuddle.

10 years ago

And this is mr. Nibbles ! Our girl, squeaks, had to be put down last October . We miss her.

Laura Richelle Richter
Laura Richelle Richter
Reply to  Pete
10 years ago

You usually only need to wait about 4 days

Laura Richelle Richter
Laura Richelle Richter
Reply to  Ackermane3
10 years ago

I hope your pig was okay, he NEEEDED a vet

Reply to  Laura Richelle Richter
10 years ago

Hi, Laura,
Guinea pigs *can* have broccoli, but it’s high in calcium and can cause gas. So we say, just skip it 🙂 And, as a general rule, it’s better to serve fresh than cooked veggies. *wheek!*

10 years ago

Hey I just got a guinea pig last week and was wondering if she can eat real apples I know they can’t have the seed of them but just a slice can she eat it

Reply to  lilyrose
10 years ago

Guinea pigs can eat apples. Just feed a slice or two once or twice a week, as fruit is high in sugar. 🙂

Reply to  HappyCavy
10 years ago

Ok ty

10 years ago

My guinea pig is adorable… He loves peppers and salantro the most but he started itching, and we took him to the vet then he stated having siezures is that a food issue??

Reply to  Ally_bear
10 years ago

I’ve never heard of a guinea pig having seizures due to food. Itching sounds like mites, and excessive itching can cause seizures. I would call the vet and notify them of the seizures, as they will need to see him again.

Toni Doncaster
Toni Doncaster
10 years ago

Two worries about my girls. I’ve had them for 6 months but for the last 2 months they’ve had dandruff. Have read online and seen that it may be mites so have treated them, bathed them and cleaned their hutch but they still have the dandruff!! Also, I’ve noticed they don’t drink a lot of water. They have a lot of veggies so I assume they’re getting water from this but how can I encourage them to drink? Thanks!

Reply to  Toni Doncaster
10 years ago

Ho, Toni! If they still have dandruff, it’s possible that there may be another skin condition they have. I’d schedule a vet appointment if you haven’t already. Also, guinea pigs generally stop eating or drinking if they are in pain, and they may be itchy and miserable. To the vet, I say! 🙂

Silver Thunder
Silver Thunder
10 years ago

Hello! I just visited this site for the first time and I absolutely love it! It’s only the second day I’ve had my first guinea pig and after giving her a small apple slice and a little bit of red leaf celery (In which she has only touched the apple and devoured it) I feel we have already started to bond a little more! She’s only 4 weeks and a single day but she’s already extremely social and vocal :3

Reply to  Silver Thunder
10 years ago

How cute! We love vocal and social peegs. Have fun with your new fuzzy friend!

AnnMarie Perry
AnnMarie Perry
9 years ago

I have a question. Can my little behead eat fat free rice crackers? Anytime I am holding him and I am eatting crackers of any kind, he goes nuts trying to grab them from me. Are crackers okay?

9 years ago

Hi, just a quick question, I’m going to be getting a little girl soon, and I was just wondering if on this frequency chart, if all the greens are grouped together? Like, the things that are to be fed 2-3 times a week, is it that something from that category can be fed that often, or the item itself? For instance, some of the daily greens seem like they’re high in things like the lettuce and vitamin A, so does that mean I should feed it among other things? I’m just worried about giving my baby the wrong food and making her sick :/

Reply to  AnnMarie Perry
9 years ago

Guinea pigs love crunchy sounds. But rice crackers (or any variety of cracker) are very “not safe”. 🙂

Reply to  SheWhoRoars
9 years ago

I’m not sure I understand your question. Most greens can be fed almost daily, but some are high in calcium or other nutrients, which is why they should be fed less frequently. Don’t forget: The main diet of a guinea pig should be fresh hay, water, and pellets. Vegetables are just snacks, like potato chips for humans, so just use them for snack time. We typically stick to a slice or two of cucumber every so often, and an organic spring mix of dark greens.

9 years ago

Hello I have a question I give my guinea pigs carrots everyday and celery and cucumbers every few days.. I would really like to introduce them to new fruits a veggies is there a chart that someone could give me so I can have a weekly plan??? I know they want more because they let me know… lol I just don’t want to hurt them with too much.. thanks in advance!! Also, I just recently rescued 5 guinea pigs from a terrible home the 1 momma, 3 boys, and 1 girl all in the same very small disgusting cage with one very small hideaway… They were hurting each other trying to hide in it and I am in hopes that momma and sister are not pregnant… The cage was so matted that they covered it in hay so we couldn’t tell how bad it was until we got home it was so awful!! Plus it was infested with roaches omgness it was just terrible!! I got them home and separated them, I found to of the boys a loving home and I currently have the momma sister and brother(separated) here with me… momma is very skittish to the point she won’t eat until I have left the room… and won’t let me touch her… Its a very sad situation I’m happy I was able to get them away from them!!! Sorry the long story just happy there being treated better… and I would like to have help with a fruit and veggie chart for my little furbabies… Also again thanks in advance..

9 years ago

I have a question! I just got my guinea pig, Chalupa, a few days ago, and he eats all of the fresh foods that I give him, but he isn’t really drinking or eating any of his hay or pellets. I haven’t noticed him using the bathroom more than once in this time, either. Is that normal? I’m just worried that it isn’t eating, and was wondering if you had tips or anything?

Reply to  SheWhoRoars
9 years ago

Hi, there! Congrats on the new friend! He may not be eating or drinking much because you are feeding him fresh foods, which can contain a lot of water. Remember that fresh veg is a snack — like potato chips for a human — and should be fed as such. Just a little at a time. If you cut back on the high water content veg, I bet he’ll start eating pellets and drinking water. You could carefully measure his pellets, and place a mark at his water line in the morning. Then in the afternoon or evening, you can check to see how much he has consumed. Also, being that he is new, it’s probably a good idea to just cut out any snacks until he acclimates better to his new environment. Give him a scritch behind the ears from us! 😀

Reply to  HappyCavy
9 years ago

I’ll be sure to give him lots of scratches for you! Okay, thank you for that tip! I’ll hold off on the fresh foods until he starts acting more normally. Will he find his water and grains and hay on his own, or should I show him where they are?

Reply to  SheWhoRoars
9 years ago

Yay! 🙂 We like to keep our bowls near our water supply, so it’s easy to find. It may take him a bit to figure it out, but he will when he’s hungry enough for sure!

Reply to  HappyCavy
9 years ago

Okay, awesome! thank you so much for your help!

Gianna Piggies
Gianna Piggies
9 years ago

Can guinea pigs eat basil? Maybe you should add basil in the list..It is so helpful

Reply to  Gianna Piggies
9 years ago

Yes, they can! I’ve added it to the list 🙂

Gianna Piggies
Gianna Piggies
Reply to  HappyCavy
9 years ago

You are the best!!! 🙂 🙂

Jordan Powell
Jordan Powell
9 years ago

Is clover good for them??

Reply to  Jordan Powell
9 years ago

Hi, Jordan. Clover is safe for guinea pigs.

Lynda Jansson
Lynda Jansson
9 years ago

my grandson has a male guinea pig he calls him buddy he got him when he was 6 months he is almost 8 years old he washes him in the bath tub, cuts is nails, he loves him so much, by the way I did not tell you how old my grandson is 18 years old…I do not want to think about if anything should happen to Buddy.. He makes all his friends when they come over, they have to say hello to buddy.. he feeds him carrots, Romaine lettuce, he loves that.. celery, apples, maybe now we will try to feed him some other veggies, like tomatoes and red peppers, pears and corn on the cob, he is spoiled, he takes him outside for fresh hay even. we have to sign his name to every card with ours.. I was wondering how long does a guinea live for?

Reply to  Lynda Jansson
9 years ago

Hi, Lynda! It sounds like Buddy the guinea pig lives a fantastic life! Guinea pigs can live an average of 5 years as pets; some may live longer, some shorter. It’s true that these fuzzy friends sometimes do not stick around long enough, which is why we must love them lots when they are here with us 🙂

Lynda Jansson
Lynda Jansson
Reply to  HappyCavy
9 years ago

thank you We all love him very much, and now after 8 years of being with him, we are afraid to look into his cage, afraid of him gone

9 years ago

Hi, I am now a new piggy mommy of 3 little pigs (no pun intended lol ) my won them at an auction for livestock for 1.00 we have named them Goliath, The Bandit and Squeaker or Squeaks for short. We are first time piggy owners but my hubby did build them a huge cage out of wood yesterday ( I put it on pinterest lol ) it is 4 feet long by 3 feet high with a hide away on the one side and a hole in the middle so they can run from each other when fighting but I do have a question we got all 3 in a half chewed card board box and have no idea their sex HELP!!! I do NOT want babies I have enough of those with the kittens and cats people dump off at my house………. My son really loves these little guys or girls but Bandit and Squeaks seem to be very wild and squeak every time we try to touch them but Goliath he or she is so loving he loves to held and scratched on his head I do not know what to do with the other two but give them time I feel like I am hurting them when I touch them but I know I am not….My other son he seems to have better luck with them he can pick the other 2 up and no trouble but not for the rest of us lol. Our new 3 are piggy kids are going to stay in the basement in the big cage as we do not have room in the top half of our house for them plus the house is for sale so I want to get them a baby pack and play playpen that can be folded up when not in use for the living room. I am sorry for such a long story but we never had a piggy before only our zoo we have now, 2 dogs a Pitbull and a Pomeranian and 12 cats, yes 12 all outside cats but 1 and yes all spayed and neutered, a box turtle that someone ran over and we fixed his shell and had him for 5 years, a hermit crab, 2 peacocks and now the 3 little pigs. Any help from with our new 3 little pigs would be great Thanks

Reply to  chrissy
9 years ago

Hi, Chrissy! Wow that’s a lot of fuzzies in our house! To help you figure it all out, here’s a few links about taking care of guinea pigs that may help you:

http://www.guineapigcages.com/ (to hep you determine if their cage is large enough)

Since your guinea pigs won’t be included in the regular family space, you need to spend a lot of time with them, as getting familiar with their Humans will help them acclimate to their new home.

Best of luck! 😀

9 years ago

we love our pet guinea, Yoshi. But I do have the issue with him not wanting to come to us. I have tried and tried to bond with him and he does love snuggling. But when I go to his cage because he is squeaking like crazy, he runs. I have to chase him down in the cage just to get him. I feel bad like he doesnt like us.

Lois Timms
Lois Timms
9 years ago

hi I have got 2 guinei pigs 2 days ago one is pregnant what shall I do I have never had one and don’t really know how to take of them look me up on facebook lois timms I am wearing a dress and n box me on these guiene pigs I need help

Anand Hirvey
Anand Hirvey
9 years ago

Hi, we got our “Coffee” and “Toffee” about 4 months back. I’m guessing at that time they were not more than 2 months old. the stuff we’ve been feeding them since on a daily basis is:
1. Hay – which they haven’t been very keen about
2. Lawn Grass – They love it!
3. Spinach – None at first, and daily since the last 2 months. They like it.
4. Carrots and Seedless cucumber – They like it, but very less amounts of it.
5. And Sunfeed pellets – They both finish about a bowl everyday.

Also, we don’t keep them in a cage, they have their own room where they run around and play. We’ve given them a box with enough windows on all sides as a place to hide where they sleep and eat (and poop 🙂

Are we doing ok with them in terms of diet? Their pee leaves lots of white marks (which I;m told is calcium and is normal). but I’m afraid whether we’re giving them a lot of calcium rich food, which may be a mistake?

Anyway, after reading this post I’m thinking of changing their diet 🙂

Please share any thoughts you may have. We want to raise them good.

PS: The were very shy. though now they’re getting comfortable around us whenever we bring them food 🙂

Anand Hirvey
Anand Hirvey
9 years ago

Coffee and Toffee

Reply to  Anand Hirvey
9 years ago

I would skip the lawn grass and spinach. The white discharge is mostly calcium, which, in too large of quantities, can lead to bladder stones and other nasty health issues.

Spinach is quite high in calcium — and, since you do not know the composition of your grass — it’s probably best to cut that out, or at least just give a little bit here and there.

Also, an entire bowl is pellets is quite a lot to go through in a day. I suggest that you try to get them more acclimated to eating hay, which should be their primary food intake. Just limit pellets, keep lots of hay available, and, if they finish their portioned pellets, then all they get is hay. They’ll learn to like, and probably love, it 🙂

Hope this helps! 🙂

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