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Photo courtesy of HappyCavy fan pyza*
Guinea pigs are always eating. Whether it’s pellets, grass hay, daily greens, or the occasional fruit snack, it may often seem like your guinea pig is born to eat (and create magic beans).
With an insatiable diet comes the responsibility to learn what constitutes a proper guinea pig diet. Choosing guinea pig safe foods can be a bit of a challenge. There are so many types of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that guinea pigs can eat.
So what should you be feeding your guinea pig?
What fruits and ? What fruits can guinea pigs eat?? And herbs? What about those?
- What can guinea pigs eat?
- Which vegetables, fruits, and herbs are safe to feed your guinea pig?
- Are the foods you have been giving your cavy “guinea pig safe“?
- Besides water, high-quality hay, and pellets, what else can your guinea pig eat?
→ Jump to the Guinea Pig Safe Food List
First, let’s take a look at the basics of a guinea pig diet or jump to What The Happy Cavy Herd Eats for a general guide on the daily dietary requirements of guinea pigs.
A guinea pig’s diet should consist of the following:
#1. Water
A constant fresh source of fresh (preferably filtered but NOT distilled) clean, room-temperature water is an absolute must.
Water bottles should be emptied, rinsed, and re-filled each day.
#2. Grass Hay
High-quality grass hay (such as timothy hay) should be available at all times for your guinea pig. Hay delivers the fiber that that is essential for your guinea pig to be able to properly digest and proces food and nutrients. Without a constant intake of fresh hay, guinea pigs’ digestive tracks can shut down. Plus, hay helps guinea pigs keep their teeth clean prevents their teeth from growing too long.
How do you know if hay is high-quality? High-quality hay should be green with pliable stalks, free of mold and foreign particulates, and fragrant (not dusty or void of smell). Cheap, store-bought hay is no substitute for fresh, high-quality yummy goodness.
Most hay purchased at “big box” stores (PetCo, etc.) is NOT high-quality hay. Farm-to-cage is ideal and special caution should be taken when providing the most important food of your guinea pig’s diet: high-quality, pesticide(?) free hay.
NOTE: An alfalfa hay mix (1/2 timothy, 1/2 alfalfa) should be primarily fed to young guinea pigs under the age of 4 months and pregnant or nursing cavies. Because alfalfa hay is high in calcium, it should NOT be fed to healthy, adult cavies. Healthy, adult guinea pigs should be fed lower-calcium hays such as timothy hay or orchard grass hay.
#3. Pellets
Provide your guinea pig with about 1/4 – 1/8 cup of plain, corn- and seed-free guinea pig pellets for eating each day. Pellets are less important than a constant supply of fresh grass hay, though pellets can provide additional vitamins and nutrients that your guinea pig isn’t getting from hay alone, especially if the pellets are fortified in Vitamin C.
Guinea pig pellets should consist of only high-quality hay and should be served in a ceramic bowl, which is large enough to not tip over.
NOTE: Pellets alone are NOT a substitute for hay! High-quality grass hay is a must for proper guinea pig health.
Vitamin C
Like Humans, guinea pigs cannot manufacture their own vitamin C. To prevent survy and other health issues, each guinea pig should get 10 to 30 milligrams of Vitamin C each day; young, ill, nursing and/or pregnant animals require extra Vitamin C. While many guinea pigs will get an adequate serving of Vitamin C from vegetables and pellets, you may wish to supplement your cavy’s diet with a small amount of Vitamin C, either in power or tablet form.
NOTE: It is NOT recommended that you use water-soluable drops for supplementing Vitamin C. Watch How to Give Vitamin C to Your Guinea Pig (video) to see how HappyCavies get their Vitamin C.
Vegetables, Herbs, & Other Foods
Guinea should be fed only up to 1 cup (240 mL) each (adults) of vegetables per day. However, it is ideal for you to limit their intake of vegetables. Just because they CAN have up to 1 cup doesn’t mean they need it. Please remember that your guinea pig’s food supply should NOT be mainly vegetables. And watch their calcium intake! Foods high in calcium can lead to the formation of bladder stones and other health issues.
To help you find which vegetables, herbs, and fruits are safe to feed your guinea pig, please refer to the Guinea Pig Food List below.
NOTE: Always introduce new foods to your guinea pig slowly and patiently. Begin introducing new foods by providing a small piece or two during the “first try”. Then, portions of a particular guinea pig safe food may be increased slightly with each subsequent serving. The way that you introduce nutrients is as important as a healthy diet. Guinea pigs have a sensitive digestive system which is easily upset.
Help Us Maintain The Food List!
There are so many foods a guinea pig can eat. If you know of a food that is not included in this list which you think we should add, please let us know!
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Guinea Pig “Safe Food List”
Updated: February 14, 2024
Click a letter to view that vegetable and refer to the “Notes” for cautionary advice.
Information on this chart is derived from the USDA FoodData Central. Information may have changed since the publication of this chart.
This chart takes into consideration several factors to arrive at our feeding frequency suggestions: sugar, calcium, phosphorous, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, oxalic acid content, and calcium to phosphorous (Ca:P) ratio. Not all fields are displayed due to space requirements. Chemical composition can be referenced at the USDA FoodData Central.
IMPORTANT: There are other important nutritional factors not represented in this chart. Please use GuineaLynx’s Vegetable/Fruit resource for additional information such as Calcium/Phosphorus Ratios and Oxalic Acid information: http://www.guinealynx.info/diet_ratio.html
Almost daily
Frequently: 2-4 times per week
Occasionally: 1-2 times per week
Rarely: 1-2 times per month
DO NOT copy or distribute this list it without express permission from HappyCavy.com. Contact us if you wish to use this list on your website.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Recommended Feeding Frequency:
Almost daily
Frequently: 2-4 times per week
Occasionally: 1-2 times per week
Rarely: 1-2 times per month
VEGETABLE / FRUIT (fresh & raw) |
VITAMIN C in mg (per 100g) |
CALCIUM in mg (per 100g) |
Notes |
Alfalfa – pellets | 0 | 2200 | Alfalfa pellets are suitable for young, growing and/or pregnant guinea pigs (under 1 year of age). Ref. Pellets: Alfalfa vs Timothy. |
Apple | 4.60 | 6.00 | Apple seeds are poisonous |
Apricot | 10.00 | 13.00 | |
Arugula lettuce | 15.00 | 160.00 | |
Asparagus | 17.69 | 28.14 | May cause gas or bloating. |
Banana | 9.10 | 6.00 | Can cause constipation. |
Basil | 4.5 | 38.0 | Can cause constipation. |
Beet greens/leaves (beetroot greens/leaves) |
30.00 | 117.00 | |
Beets (beetroot) | 4.90 | 16.00 | |
Bell pepper | See Peppers (capscium) | ||
Blackberries | 21.00 | 32.00 | |
Blueberries | 9.7 | 6.00 | Feed in moderation. |
Broccoli raab, rabe, rapini | 93.00 | 48.00 | May cause gas or bloating. |
Broccolini | 93.00 | 48.00 | Stems are liked better than flowers |
Brussels sprouts | 85.00 | 42.00 | May cause gas or bloating. |
Cabbage, green | 51.00 | 47.00 | May cause gas or bloating. |
Cabbage, red | 57.00 | 51.00 | May cause gas or bloating. |
Cabbage, Chinese pak-choi | 45.00 | 74.00 | May cause gas or bloating. |
Cabbage, Savoy | 31.00 | 35.00 | Feed in moderation. May cause gas or bloating. |
Cantaloupe (rock melon) | — | — | See Melon – Cantaloupe (rock melon) |
Carrots | 5.9 | 33.00 | High Vitamin A. Feed in moderation. |
Carrots, baby | 2.60 | 32.00 | High Vitamin A. Feed in moderation. |
Carrots, top greens | unknown | unknown | Unknown nutrient makeup. Feed sparingly. |
Cauliflower / Broccoflower | 46.40 | 22.00 | |
Celery | 7.00 | 40.00 | Choking hazard. Remove the celery “veins” to prevent hazard. |
Cherimoya | 9.00 | 23.00 | Very in very small amounts. |
Cherries (without pits) – sour | 10.00 | 16.00 | |
Cherries (without pits) – sweet | 7.00 | 13.00 | |
Chicory, greens | 24.00 | 100.00 | |
Chicory, witloof | 2.80 | 19.00 | |
**Cilantro (corriander) | 27.00 | 67.00 | Feed in moderation. |
**Collards | 35.30 | 145.00 | May cause gas or bloating. |
Corn on the cob (1 med ear) | 6.10 | 2.00 | May cause gas or bloating. |
Cranberries | 13.50 | 7.00 | Feed in moderation. |
Cress, garden | 69.00 | 81.00 | |
Cucumber with peel | 5.30 | 14.00 | |
Dandelion Greens | 35.00 | 187.00 | |
Dill | 85.00 | 208.00 | |
Eggplant | 6.5 | 6.5 | |
Elderberries | 36.00 | 38.00 | Feed in small amounts. |
Endive (escarole) | 6.50 | 52.00 | |
Fennel, fronds & leaves | not recorded specially for fronds & leaves | not recorded specially for fronds & leaves | Feed rarely. |
Grapefruit, white | 37.00 | 15.00 | Sour foods can cause mouth sores. |
Grapes | 4.00 | 14.00 | |
Grass (lawn) | — | — | See Hay |
Green beans, snap | 12.20 | 37.00 | |
Hay | varies by type | varies by type | IMPORTANT: Read Selecting Hay. |
Honeydew | 120.00 | 135.00 | See Melon – honeydew |
Kale | 120.00 | 135.00 | |
Kiwifruit, fuzzy (kiwi or kiwi fruit) | 92.70 | 34.00 | Remove brown, fuzzy skin. |
Kohlrabi | 62.00 | 24.00 | Feed in moderation. |
Kumquat | 37.40 | 44.00 | |
Lavender | 12.00 | 215.00 | |
Lettuce – butterhead, boston, bibb |
3.70 | 35.00 | |
Lettuce – romaine (cos lettuce) |
4.00 | 33.00 | |
Lettuce – red leaf |
3.70 | 33.00 | |
Mammy-apple (mamey) | 14.00 | 11.00 | |
Mandarin orange (or tangerine) | 30.80 | 14.00 | Feed in small amounts. |
Mango | 27.70 | 10.00 | |
Melon – Cantaloupe (rock melon) | 36.70 | 9.00 | Feed in small amounts. |
Melon – casaba | 16.00 | 5.00 | |
Melon – honeydew | 24.80 | 6.00 | |
Melon – watermelon | 9.60 | 8.00 | |
Mint (peppermint) | 31.80 | 243.00 | |
Mustard greens | 70.00 | 103.00 | May cause gas or bloating. |
Nectarine | 5.40 | 5.00 | |
**Okra | 21.10 | 81.00 | |
Orange | 53.20 | 40.00 | Citrus can cause mouth sores. |
Oregano | 2.30 | 1597.00 | Feed in very small amounts. |
Papaya | 61.80 | 24.00 | |
**Parsley (curly or flat) | 133.00 | 138.00 | |
Parsnip | 17.00 | 36.00 | |
Passionfruit, purple | 30.00 | 12.00 | |
Peach | 6.60 | 5.00 | |
Peas, edible-podded | 40.00 | 25.00 | |
Pears – Asian | 3.80 | 4.00 | |
Pears – European | 6.60 | 18.15 | |
Peppermint | 31.8 | 243.00 | |
Peppers (capscium), sweet green | 80.40 | 10.00 | May cause gas or bloating. |
Peppers (capscium), sweet orange | 146.7 | 0.00 | May cause gas or bloating. |
Peppers (capscium), sweet red | 127.70 | 7.00 | May cause gas or bloating. |
Peppers (capscium), sweet yellow | 183.50 | 11.00 | May cause gas or bloating. |
Persimmon | 66.00 | 27.00 | Feed in very small amounts. |
Pineapple | 15.40 | 7.00 | Citrus can cause mouth sores. |
Plum | 9.50 | 4.00 | |
Pumpkin | 11.00 | 39.00 | High in Vitamin A. |
Pumpkin Leaves | 11.00 | 39.00 | High in Vitamin A. |
Quince | 15.00 | 11.00 | |
Radicchio | 8.00 | 19.00 | |
Radishes | 14.80 | 25.00 | |
Raspberries | 26.00 | 25.00 | |
Raspberry leaves (from raspberry plant) | 25.00 | 22.00 | |
Spearmint | 13.3 | 199.00 | Feed in very small amounts |
**Spinach | 28.10 | 99.00 | May cause gas or bloating. Contains high levels of oxalic acid. |
Squash, summer | 17.00 | 15.00 | |
Squash, winter | 12.30 | 28.00 | |
Starfruit | 34.40 | 3.00 | |
Strawberries | 56.70 | 14.00 | Feed in moderation. |
Sweet potato | 22.70 | 22.00 | |
Sweet potato leaves | 11.00 | 37.00 | |
**Swiss Chard | 30.00 | 51.00 | Feed in moderation. May cause diarrhea. |
Taro leaves | 52.00 | 107.00 | |
Thyme | 160.01 | 405.00 | Feed in moderation. |
#Tomato, red, cherry tomatoes | 19.10 | 5.00 | Avoid leaves and stems (poisonous) – See Dangerous Food List |
Turnip greens | 60.00 | 190.00 | |
Watercress | 43.00 | 120.00 | |
Watermelon | — | — | See Melon – watermelon |
Watermelon rind | — | — | Vitamin & mineral content unknown. Watermelon rind is safe. |
Wheatgrass | ~4.00 | ~28.00 | Fresh grasses may cause gut upsets. |
Zucchini (courgette) | 28.00 | 1.00 |
# Vitamin C values for tomatoes differ depending on variety and season.
** Contains oxalic acid which may contribute to the formation of bladder stones.
Please email hello[at]happycavy.com to make additions to this list.
don’t stick to hay, pellets, and water. also give about a teacup of veg a day. certain veg is better than others, certain veg is a treat and shouldn’t be given all the time. give green peppers regularly, tomatoes are a treat, carrots somewhere in the middle, cucumber is really hydrating but not super nutritious but also won’t do harm, lettuce is great but check the type don’t give iceberg. generally green veg is best.
Wash the veg and give it to them wet. means they get extra water from the veg.
I tend to give my guinea pigs a “salad” ever three days or every other day. Since our new additions have been primarily sticking with pellets, but everyone needs variety sometimes.
What type of bedding would you suggest in keeping the urine odor to a minimum?
Shouldn’t they have some veggies? Isn’t that why this list is here?
Yes, they can have veggies. The comment I left that you are replying to has receiving some flack due to the wording. It was in reply to a specific question, and my answer wasn’t phrased in the best way. Veggie snacks are fine, as long as they are kept in moderation. 🙂
No popcorn! No nuts. No rice cakes! Only the items listed above. Fresh Timothy Hay or Orchard Grass and high quality pellets. Like Farmer Dave’s Pet Supply timothy hay pellets. They are only Timothy hay. No junk, no fillers. 1 cup of fresh veggies per day and 1/8 cup pellets–per pig. Unlimited hay and water. The only people food that piggies can have is vegetables and water!
Hello, I wanted to thank you for the time and support you give in guiding piggy parents. It has been a few weeks with my three boys and so far so great! Getting to know each personality and how to handle them, their likes/dislikes. But currently my boys are eating like kings and are quite comfortable letting me know if they want noms…it’s quite cute bringing them their favorite which is between cilantro and yellow peppers…they popcorn and jive…lol. I’ve been doing about a little over a cup of young piggy pellets, quality Timothy hay, I also got a small bag of alfalfa hay which I give as snack once a day, every night at 1030 I prepare the greens and veggies (still trying to figure how much each piggy should have, as they eat out of same ceramic dish…which is supposed to be for puppy dog but I bought it for them : p) occasionally they get berries or apple peels. Pretty much it!

Thanks for sharing phtos of your adorable piggy friends! It sounds like the boys are very happy to be with you!! XD
Can there eat weeds from gardon coz i have give them one will that hurt them
Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat random plants unless you know they are safe for consumption. I would monitor your guinea pig for 24 hours. Check that he/she is eating and pooping normally. If you notice that your guinea pig stops eating, becomes unusually lethargic, or has inconsistent or poops or isn’t going potty at all, call a vet ASAP.
How long will timonthy hay stay good and fresh I don’t want to buy to much at a time
Timothy hay will stay good for a long time as long as you keep it sealed in a container to keep it form light, moisture, and overhandling. If this is done correctly, timothy hay can stay good for months.
I have a question, my guineapig loves to eat pumpkin. Is the pumpkin too bad?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat pumpkin. You can read more about the suitability of pumpkin for guinea pigs at http://www.guinealynx.info/forums/viewtopic.php?t=59413&view=next&sid=2233c44efce6dfd7a95ec8c1850e8c41
I have dried cranberries not the ones they sell in the Produce Dept but the ones that look like raisins……..can I feed them to our guinea pigs
Our guinea pigs are Squeaky & Isabelle they are so adorable….I’m always buying new food for them…I feed them Veggies. Fruits, lettuce, mustard greens, spinach, kale etc. But what is really funny they start squeaking when its their time to eat…..I also feed them here cilantro, basil, parsley oregano and dill
I’m a new guinea pig owner. After my last rat died, I bought three young guinea pigs for local pet store. I love them so much more then rats and I love how you always know how they feel. They start to purr and squeak when I get up in the morning and when I come home. Being a newbie I was unsure what I could feed them and how often. This site gave me a much better idea on what and when. I really appreciate all the helpful info. Your a life saver. I do wonder why they don’t like green beans or celery though. None of them will touch the stuff. They cant get enough lettuce though. The pet store said lots of lettuce is great. Your thoughts?
That’s funny! I have a Snickers too! Because when she purrs (or chutters, as I call it), it sounds like she’s laughing at me! Her cage mate is Butterscotch, and we also have Reese & Nougat, Mars & Mounds, Twix & Toffee, Kit & Kat, and Oreo & Aero. Yup, we have a herd too (called a muddle), and the only males are Mars & Mounds.
The only veggies my 2 cavys like are kale and cucumbers. Is it safe to feed them kale everyday? I saw on your food list you should only give them kale a few times a week but is the only thing mine will eat.
Hi, Kelly! Guinea pigs shouldn’t have kale everyday. It is very high in calcium, which can cause kidney stones, and it’s high in vitamin A which can cause problems with his or her liver. We don’t even feed kale as a snack.
Stick to a few slices of cucumber a day as a snack. They will learn very quickly how yummy their hay pellets and fresh hay taste, if given the chance. 🙂
hi, just wondering, can i feed my guinea pigs pepper berries or lemon myrtle? thanks
We have a new one month old guinea named Luna. She eats quite a bit of green leaf lettuce. Learning that there other lettuces she can have. Does she need more than one cup of veggies a day because of her age?She doesn’t sucks on the water feeder just like it. Is it because of her small mouth tht she can’t pull the water out by sucking? A lot of other pages sy not to give guineas alfalfa hay. Why is it okay to give to the baby guineas?
Hi, Okima! Guinea pigs, regardless of age, do not need veggies as a staple of their diet. Just high-quality hay pellets, hay and water is fine. Veggies are a snack, and we supplement their diet with vitamin C (https://www.happycavy.com/guinea-pig-vitamin-c-requirements/). So your baby pig is fine with the amount of lettuce she gets.
About the water…hmmm. Some water bottles are difficult for little guinea pigs to use. Test it out and see if the water stopper is difficult to use. If it is, think about getting a smaller water bottle that is easier for her to drink from.
Alfalfa hay needs to be fed to baby pigs up to 6 months old. Alfalfa hay is rich in calcium, which growing and pregnant guinea pigs need. Adults that get too much calcium can develop issues like bladder stones later in life.
Hope this helps! 🙂
Would you leave the skins on the cucumber or apples
Leave the skins on. They seem to like ’em!
I have a Abby name Reese, he’s a year and 4mos.he just stop wheeling, not for food or playtime..he use to wheek all the time,all he do is bite on the cage..he plays ,eat an fuss with Grimm as always..should I worry.
Hi, Dee,
Dramatic changes in guinea pig behavior can indicate underlying health issues. Cage biting also can be a sign of needing a bigger home, boredom, and/or not having a clean enough cage. If you are using a store bought cage, refer to the cage chart at http://www.guineapigcagesstore.com/about-candccages for minimum guinea pig cage requirements.
Thanks, I will take him to the vet.I miss his wheeking for food.
I would like to get my kids some guinea pigs. I want two so that they won’t be lonely. I read that guinea pigs may get lonely. And, how often should they eat?
Hi, there! It’s a very good idea to get two guinea pigs — they are social creatures (meaning that many like guinea pig friends) so they can get lonely. As for feeding, guinea pigs need a constant supply of fresh hay, pellets and water. Veggies should only be fed as a snack. Learn more about guinea pig diet at http://www.guinealynx.info/diet.html
Thank you so very much…..
Will it also tell me how often to feed them daily?
Well they should always have pellets, hay and water available, so there is no specific time that you need to put these out. They should always be available in their cage for them to eat whenever they want.
Okay, and, thank you again…..
I just got a new cavy and he is super sweet and was definitely mistreated is there a way to keep him from wanting to bite? And his name is Cinna. Thank you for your help.
The only way is really time and patience used creating a safe and comfortable space for him. Check out this article, follow the steps, and just be patient as it will take him a while to get used to a new, safe space: https://www.happycavy.com/how-to-build-stronger-bond-with-guinea-pig/
It says carrots should be given daily ( marked in green) but under that carrots are marked in red….can you please verify if they can have daily or not. My guinea pig wont eat lettuce is there a reason why
Thank you
Hi, Christy, carrot tops are marked in red and should only be fed 1-2 times per month. And your guinea pig just may not be fond of lettuce. Which is OK! Veggies should only be fed as a treat, with their main supply of food should be pellets and hay. Maybe try a few pieces of cucumber or green pepper? Every guinea pig seems to like those 🙂
This list is very helpful. We just got a couple new Guinea pigs (Hermione and Luna) and I’ve had a few in the past. This is a good reference both for me and for my husband (these are his first!). I had a couple comments from a vet friend of mine, though. The first is that corn is bad for Guinea pigs. She said that although Guinea pig food often has corn and seeds, it is bad for the pigs. She also has said that Guinea pigs should have two tablespoons of fresh food a day.
I have a 3 year old Guinia pig. I don’t feed him hay at all because my other 2 died from a bad bale of hay, which he won’t eat. His daily diet consists of grass, dandelions, clover, baby carrots, & rabbit pellets. I pick and dry the grass, clover, and dandelion leaves and store it for the winter. I have repeatedly offer other choices (including store boughtTimothy hay and vegetables.) He just doesn’t seem to want to eat anything else besides occasional cucumber slices or apple slices. Any suggestions to get him to eat hay? I will not buy it straight from the farm, only from a store. Farm hay killed my other 2 and it would have killed him to if he would have eaten it. I’m inclined to keep feeding him his usual diet since he is thriving on it without the hay.
Hi, Irram,
Guinea pigs’ digestive systems are specifically designed to subsist off of a hay diet. Plainly put, their bodies need to be eating hay or — once they get older — they will develop health issues. If that means store bought hay, that is fine.
To encourage the eating of hay, you can stop feeding other foods. They will begin to eat the hay once other food sources are removed — they will not starve themselves. A diet of just vegetables or fruits (which should be fed as only a snack) will result in problems with their organs and other bodily systems as they age.
You should try to slowly introduce the hay, since your guinea pig is probably not used to it by now. Once she or he is acclimated to hay, stop feeding veggies or fruit as a main food source and feed it only as a snack.
Thanks. He really prefers grass and dandelions. I will try again. If he still refuses to eat hay after 3 days, I will probably go back to that diet as he’s been on it for 3 years and seems to be very healthy. I can’t justify making him go hungary for days on end. I know how it feels to go days without food. I would rather have a short happy like than a long miserable one.
Lol how cute 🙂
Cute piggies 😀 Wanna see mine? I’m pretty sure he is a little bit slow/autistic XD He acts a bit funny.
Hi, so i was wondering why my guinea pigs fight each other, they bite so we have to put them in separate cages, why do they fight? (PS their names are Cous Cous and Delilah)
Some 2 decades ago I used to give my guinea pigs banana peels and corn husks (but not actual corn or banana). They LOVED the peel and husk.
Is this okay for them?
My “Pig (her name) got sick, I thought she was constipated. The vet said it is vitanim C deficiency. They gave her fluids and I continue twice a day at home, by mouth, Bayil or some med like that. C is very important, I thought she was getting enough with the red and green lettuce she loves. Pig is so picky when it comes to food, she not much for pellets, fruits and many veggies. Loves hay, parsley, some cukes, and her pig cookies, they are pretzel shaped small treats that smell like animal crackers. I know they have a little sugar but there is a limit to how many she gets and she loves them and has been eating them for many months. They are called Wild Harvest, Bake shop treats, Pretzels. I kick myself because I have not been getting Parsley and that is full of vitamin C. I did not bother with drops because of blogs I have read and regret it. So be safe, suppliment your gp diet especailly if it is a picky eater. My luck to get a gp that is, but Pig is cool. Now the vet recomended the liquid c drops, kale and cabbage, all I read that was not recomemnded in blogs. Some blogs said that C drops were not really neccessary if you gp eats greens and not to feed these 2 veggies. I should have used my head here. Gassy is better than sick. She will not eat them anyway, oh well. She started getting better as soon as my husband brought her back, she did not like the anal intrusion one bit, he said he never heard her squeal like that. She is drinking a bit more, I make sure and eating. Creating more magic beans, not as much as I would like to see, that is what the vet wanted her to do. she is not back to building the small mountain in her igloo, that is her outhouse, not even close yet, but only been 1 day, so much easier to clean everyday than litter pan. I just wanted to tell people, go with what your gp likes. And vitamin C was an 75 dollar mistake for me, at least the lack of it. I have learned at an animals expence, I was lucky. I read constipation kills them fast and that scared me. I never even considered that I would be taking a rodent to the vet, but your heart gets moved real fast when they are sick. Yeah, I know, why would you even think that? Because times are tough and some people can’t even afford to see a Dr, I value people over animals, and I do love animals, I have 3 fish tanks, 4 dogs, Pig and 2 cats. Other adults in house have 2 more dogs. I do try to practice preventative measures. There are vaccines I would not get my dogs, unless they they have contact with other dogs. I do not trust vaccines, the polio vaccine gave me just that when I was 11 months old. A distemper shot caused a bad hot spot on one of my husbands dog that was terrible for him, soon as we left him and it alone and stopped trying to treat it, it got better fast. I know it is a small percentage, but when you are that percentage, you look at it differently. I got off track a little, sorry. Vitamin C, very crucial.
This is a old post I know, there are some things they can eat in moderation. My vet said some completely opposite things that I read in blogs. I wonder how she is, 2 years later. Lucky little Guinea pig.
Can you feed Guinea pigs onion and green onions?
No, guinea pigs shouldn’t eat onions or green onions.
OK thank you so such I wasn’t sure I’m glad I asked first I’m new to the little guy and don’t no much bout them thanks again for taking the time to respond to my question I can tell my boys that is a no no and can hurt him