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Vegetables and Fruits Safe for Guinea Pigs To Eat – The Happy Cavy “Snack” List

Published 5/31/2010 | Updated 12/3/2024
Category: Guinea Pig Diet | HappyCavy

Guinea pig safe food list
Photo courtesy of HappyCavy fan pyza*

Guinea pigs are always eating. Whether it’s pellets, grass hay, daily greens, or the occasional fruit snack, it may often seem like your guinea pig is born to eat (and create magic beans).

With an insatiable diet comes the responsibility to learn what constitutes a proper guinea pig diet. Choosing guinea pig safe foods can be a bit of a challenge. There are so many types of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that guinea pigs can eat.

So what should you be feeding your guinea pig?

What fruits and ?  What fruits can guinea pigs eat?? And herbs? What about those?

  • What can guinea pigs eat?
  • Which vegetables, fruits, and herbs are safe to feed your guinea pig?
  • Are the foods you have been giving your cavy “guinea pig safe“?
  • Besides water, high-quality hay, and pellets, what else can your guinea pig eat?

→ Jump to the Guinea Pig Safe Food List

First, let’s take a look at the basics of a guinea pig diet or jump to What The Happy Cavy Herd Eats for a general guide on the daily dietary requirements of guinea pigs.

A guinea pig’s diet should consist of the following:

#1. Water

Glass Water Bottle

A constant fresh source of fresh (preferably filtered but NOT distilled) clean, room-temperature water is an absolute must.

Water bottles should be emptied, rinsed, and re-filled each day.

#2. Grass Hay

Small Pet Select

High-quality grass hay (such as timothy hay) should be available at all times for your guinea pig. Hay delivers the fiber that that is essential for your guinea pig to be able to properly digest and proces food and nutrients. Without a constant intake of fresh hay, guinea pigs’ digestive tracks can shut down. Plus, hay helps guinea pigs keep their teeth clean prevents their teeth from growing too long.

How do you know if hay is high-quality? High-quality hay should be green with pliable stalks, free of mold and foreign particulates, and fragrant (not dusty or void of smell). Cheap, store-bought hay is no substitute for fresh, high-quality yummy goodness.

Most hay purchased at “big box” stores (PetCo, etc.) is NOT high-quality hay. Farm-to-cage is ideal and special caution should be taken when providing the most important food of your guinea pig’s diet: high-quality, pesticide(?) free hay.

NOTE: An alfalfa hay mix (1/2 timothy, 1/2 alfalfa) should be primarily fed to young guinea pigs under the age of 4 months and pregnant or nursing cavies. Because alfalfa hay is high in calcium, it should NOT be fed to healthy, adult cavies. Healthy, adult guinea pigs should be fed lower-calcium hays such as timothy hay or orchard grass hay.

#3. Pellets

Guinea Pig Pellets

Provide your guinea pig with about 1/4 – 1/8 cup of plain, corn- and seed-free guinea pig pellets for eating each day. Pellets are less important than a constant supply of fresh grass hay, though pellets can provide additional vitamins and nutrients that your guinea pig isn’t getting from hay alone, especially if the pellets are fortified in Vitamin C.

Guinea pig pellets should consist of only high-quality hay and should be served in a ceramic bowl, which is large enough to not tip over.

NOTE: Pellets alone are NOT a substitute for hay! High-quality grass hay is a must for proper guinea pig health.

Vitamin C

Like Humans, guinea pigs cannot manufacture their own vitamin C. To prevent survy and other health issues, each guinea pig should get 10 to 30 milligrams of Vitamin C each day; young, ill, nursing and/or pregnant animals require extra Vitamin C. While many guinea pigs will get an adequate serving of Vitamin C from vegetables and pellets, you may wish to supplement your cavy’s diet with a small amount of Vitamin C, either in power or tablet form.

NOTE: It is NOT recommended that you use water-soluable drops for supplementing Vitamin C. Watch How to Give Vitamin C to Your Guinea Pig (video) to see how HappyCavies get their Vitamin C.

Vegetables, Herbs, & Other Foods

Vegetables at Grocery Store

Guinea should be fed only up to 1 cup (240 mL) each (adults) of vegetables per day. However, it is ideal for you to limit their intake of vegetables. Just because they CAN have up to 1 cup doesn’t mean they need it. Please remember that your guinea pig’s food supply should NOT be mainly vegetables. And watch their calcium intake! Foods high in calcium can lead to the formation of bladder stones and other health issues.

To help you find which vegetables, herbs, and fruits are safe to feed your guinea pig, please refer to the Guinea Pig Food List below.

NOTE: Always introduce new foods to your guinea pig slowly and patiently. Begin introducing new foods by providing a small piece or two during the “first try”. Then, portions of a particular guinea pig safe food may be increased slightly with each subsequent serving. The way that you introduce nutrients is as important as a healthy diet. Guinea pigs have a sensitive digestive system which is easily upset.

Help Us Maintain The Food List!

There are so many foods a guinea pig can eat. If you know of a food that is not included in this list which you think we should add, please let us know!

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Guinea Pig “Safe Food List”

Updated: February 14, 2024

Click a letter to view that vegetable and refer to the “Notes” for cautionary advice.

Information on this chart is derived from the USDA FoodData Central. Information may have changed since the publication of this chart.

This chart takes into consideration several factors to arrive at our feeding frequency suggestions: sugar, calcium, phosphorous, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, oxalic acid content, and calcium to phosphorous (Ca:P) ratio. Not all fields are displayed due to space requirements. Chemical composition can be referenced at the USDA FoodData Central.

IMPORTANT: There are other important nutritional factors not represented in this chart. Please use GuineaLynx’s Vegetable/Fruit resource for additional information such as Calcium/Phosphorus Ratios and Oxalic Acid information: http://www.guinealynx.info/diet_ratio.html


Almost daily
Frequently: 2-4 times per week
Occasionally: 1-2 times per week
Rarely: 1-2 times per month

DO NOT copy or distribute this list it without express permission from HappyCavy.com. Contact us if you wish to use this list on your website.


Recommended Feeding Frequency:

Almost daily
Frequently: 2-4 times per week
Occasionally: 1-2 times per week
Rarely: 1-2 times per month

(fresh & raw)
in mg (per 100g)
in mg (per 100g)
Alfalfa – pellets 0 2200 Alfalfa pellets are suitable for young, growing and/or pregnant guinea pigs (under 1 year of age).
Ref. Pellets: Alfalfa vs Timothy.
Apple 4.60 6.00 Apple seeds are poisonous
Apricot 10.00 13.00
Arugula lettuce 15.00 160.00
Asparagus 17.69 28.14 May cause gas or bloating.
Banana 9.10 6.00 Can cause constipation.
Basil 4.5 38.0 Can cause constipation.
Beet greens/leaves
(beetroot greens/leaves)
30.00 117.00
Beets (beetroot) 4.90 16.00
Bell pepper See Peppers (capscium)
Blackberries 21.00 32.00
Blueberries 9.7 6.00 Feed in moderation.
Broccoli raab, rabe, rapini 93.00 48.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Broccolini 93.00 48.00 Stems are liked better than flowers
Brussels sprouts 85.00 42.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cabbage, green 51.00 47.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cabbage, red 57.00 51.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cabbage, Chinese pak-choi 45.00 74.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cabbage, Savoy 31.00 35.00 Feed in moderation. May cause gas or bloating.
Cantaloupe (rock melon) See Melon – Cantaloupe (rock melon)
Carrots 5.9 33.00 High Vitamin A. Feed in moderation.
Carrots, baby 2.60 32.00 High Vitamin A. Feed in moderation.
Carrots, top greens unknown unknown Unknown nutrient makeup. Feed sparingly.
Cauliflower / Broccoflower 46.40 22.00
Celery 7.00 40.00 Choking hazard. Remove the celery “veins” to prevent hazard.
Cherimoya 9.00 23.00 Very in very small amounts.
Cherries (without pits) – sour 10.00 16.00
Cherries (without pits) – sweet 7.00 13.00
Chicory, greens 24.00 100.00
Chicory, witloof 2.80 19.00
**Cilantro (corriander) 27.00 67.00 Feed in moderation.
**Collards 35.30 145.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Corn on the cob (1 med ear) 6.10 2.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cranberries 13.50 7.00 Feed in moderation.
Cress, garden 69.00 81.00
Cucumber with peel 5.30 14.00
Dandelion Greens 35.00 187.00
Dill 85.00 208.00
Eggplant 6.5 6.5
Elderberries 36.00 38.00 Feed in small amounts.
Endive (escarole) 6.50 52.00
Fennel, fronds & leaves not recorded specially for fronds & leaves not recorded specially for fronds & leaves Feed rarely.
Grapefruit, white 37.00 15.00 Sour foods can cause mouth sores.
Grapes 4.00 14.00
Grass (lawn) See Hay
Green beans, snap 12.20 37.00
Hay varies by type varies by type IMPORTANT: Read Selecting Hay.
Honeydew 120.00 135.00 See Melon – honeydew
Kale 120.00 135.00
Kiwifruit, fuzzy (kiwi or kiwi fruit) 92.70 34.00 Remove brown, fuzzy skin.
Kohlrabi 62.00 24.00 Feed in moderation.
Kumquat 37.40 44.00
Lavender 12.00 215.00
Lettuce –
butterhead, boston, bibb
3.70 35.00
Lettuce –
romaine (cos lettuce)
4.00 33.00
Lettuce –
red leaf
3.70 33.00
Mammy-apple (mamey) 14.00 11.00
Mandarin orange (or tangerine) 30.80 14.00 Feed in small amounts.
Mango 27.70 10.00
Melon – Cantaloupe (rock melon) 36.70 9.00 Feed in small amounts.
Melon – casaba 16.00 5.00
Melon – honeydew 24.80 6.00
Melon – watermelon 9.60 8.00
Mint (peppermint) 31.80 243.00
Mustard greens 70.00 103.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Nectarine 5.40 5.00
**Okra 21.10 81.00
Orange 53.20 40.00 Citrus can cause mouth sores.
Oregano 2.30 1597.00 Feed in very small amounts.
Papaya 61.80 24.00
**Parsley (curly or flat) 133.00 138.00
Parsnip 17.00 36.00
Passionfruit, purple 30.00 12.00
Peach 6.60 5.00
Peas, edible-podded 40.00 25.00
Pears – Asian 3.80 4.00
Pears – European 6.60 18.15
Peppermint 31.8 243.00
Peppers (capscium), sweet green 80.40 10.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Peppers (capscium), sweet orange 146.7 0.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Peppers (capscium), sweet red 127.70 7.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Peppers (capscium), sweet yellow 183.50 11.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Persimmon 66.00 27.00 Feed in very small amounts.
Pineapple 15.40 7.00 Citrus can cause mouth sores.
Plum 9.50 4.00
Pumpkin 11.00 39.00 High in Vitamin A.
Pumpkin Leaves 11.00 39.00 High in Vitamin A.
Quince 15.00 11.00
Radicchio 8.00 19.00
Radishes 14.80 25.00
Raspberries 26.00 25.00
Raspberry leaves (from raspberry plant) 25.00 22.00
Spearmint 13.3 199.00 Feed in very small amounts
**Spinach 28.10 99.00 May cause gas or bloating. Contains high levels of oxalic acid.
Squash, summer 17.00 15.00
Squash, winter 12.30 28.00
Starfruit 34.40 3.00
Strawberries 56.70 14.00 Feed in moderation.
Sweet potato 22.70 22.00
Sweet potato leaves 11.00 37.00
**Swiss Chard 30.00 51.00 Feed in moderation. May cause diarrhea.
Taro leaves 52.00 107.00
Thyme 160.01 405.00 Feed in moderation.
#Tomato, red, cherry tomatoes 19.10 5.00 Avoid leaves and stems (poisonous) – See Dangerous Food List
Turnip greens 60.00 190.00
Watercress 43.00 120.00
Watermelon See Melon – watermelon
Watermelon rind Vitamin & mineral content unknown. Watermelon rind is safe.
Wheatgrass ~4.00 ~28.00 Fresh grasses may cause gut upsets.
Zucchini (courgette) 28.00 1.00

# Vitamin C values for tomatoes differ depending on variety and season.

** Contains oxalic acid which may contribute to the formation of bladder stones.

Please email hello[at]happycavy.com to make additions to this list.

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HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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squigboy .
squigboy .
11 years ago

Can guinea pigs eat jackfruit, prickly chayote, rambutan, babaco or durian?

11 years ago

Say if you have a 2 year old and a 9 month old can the baby eat the adult hay. They share ok. Is something bad gonna happen to her. Ive had her for atleast 2 months. She’s been fine. I just want to know for the future cage Im gonna get. thanks.

11 years ago

My piggies are so happy I found your website! They tried watermelon today and loved it!

Reply to  Ashley
11 years ago

That’s wonderful! Glad to have you around 🙂 Happy munching! *wheek!*

Sarah Pittman
Sarah Pittman
11 years ago

This is Snickers, I just got her Friday. Shes very talkative, and loves to be photographed. Thanks for providing such a helpful chart! Her favorite treats are Spinach and Apples!

Reply to  Sarah Pittman
11 years ago

Hi, Snickers! What a cute, little fuzzy face you have <3 Thanks for sharing, Snicker's Human! 😀

Autumn Sheffey
Autumn Sheffey
Reply to  Skk8
11 years ago

What food does a guinea pig need Daily? Just got 3 and don’t really know that much about them!?

Reply to  Autumn Sheffey
11 years ago

You can check out What our guinea pigs eat for some helpful info 🙂

Eduardo Alonso López
Eduardo Alonso López
11 years ago

Wich is the reason why they shouldn´t eat spinach daily, cause the oxalates, but, for example, they can eat swiss chard, if here is the same problem??

Reply to  Eduardo Alonso López
11 years ago

Swiss char has only 51mg cacium per 100g, while spinach has 99mg calcium per 100g.

Stormy Sea
Stormy Sea
11 years ago

I agree with this list, however a warning that lettuce is a diuretic (makes your piggle wee more) good suggestion is vitamin drops from pet store to put in their water, if your cavy is licking your skin a lot, May need a salt mineral stone. Other tip, check calcium level in foods too, as shinny piggles (satin breeds) are more sensitive to too much calcium. My Satin cavy is sensitive to apple,, gets whiteness on his lips, this is from the acidity so only a quarter slice,golden delicious.per month I would recommend. All my cavies love curly parsley…Great tip,if your cavy stops eating…try curly parsley! Also Cparsley is the thing to use to teach tricks,like wave,up/beg,paw,and hoop jumping,should you feel inclined? My cavies get great exercise from it and popcorn like crazy,enjoying the interactions.A piggle will do anything for parsley!
Owner of 3 males. experienced 20yrs+

Stormy Sea
Stormy Sea
11 years ago

Raspy breathing, can be asthma, your vet has said fine,so, could be allergy, make sure your cavy is not in a draft, avoid any aerosols,polish,air freshener,inscence,strong smells,smokers.(if any apply) also, if you can’t find the source and the cavy still wheezes,then I nickname that ‘broken squeaker’ I have one like you.he had quick responses to drafts and cleaning products. Vet said he was fine,I treated him as if he’s asthmatic,and for3 years no more wheezing! He’s 4.5yrs old now. Hope this helps 🙂

Stormy Sea
Stormy Sea
Reply to  Kirsty Mckenna
11 years ago

It’s nothing to worry about, just observe it. Every cavy if different! Some rarely drink,others are guzzlers! Can vary on how much wet food to dry they ate too. Best is just watch and learn pattern.Cavies tend to drink more water when they are poorly too,so a slight reduction is a good sign. Hope this helps 🙂

11 years ago

Thank you! This is so much help!

11 years ago

Could u talk to my guinea pig for me hammy. I think you guys would bond very well

11 years ago

Just say a few wheels of wisdom

11 years ago

Are there any warm foods guinea pigs can eat in the winter? I know I like a good warm meal when its a little chilly.

11 years ago

Thanks for the info! What about pea shoots or other sprouts? bean sprouts? alfalfa sprouts? Thanks!

Ashley Carlton Pletcher
Ashley Carlton Pletcher
11 years ago

Hi. My guinea pig is suffering from kidney stones, after just being treated for a UTI. My vet will not be able to see him until Monday and he is in EXTREME pain. Is there ANYTHING I can give him, besides water, to help push the stone through quicker?

madelyn nicholson
madelyn nicholson
11 years ago

Okay I have a piggy who keeps choking and he seems like he is going to die I don’t know what to do and I don’t know why he is doing this plz help me I don’t want him to die he’s my baby I love him with all my heart and so does his girl friend Lola PLZ HELP ME .

madelyn nicholson
madelyn nicholson
Reply to  madelyn nicholson
11 years ago

It might be the veggies

madelyn nicholson
madelyn nicholson
11 years ago

My guinea pgs name is charity he’s a little under a year but he keeps loosening his hair fur what ever it’s called and its bad

Reply to  Ashley
11 years ago

Stick with non-warmed, non-cooked foods. Guinea pigs’ guts are built perfectly to deal with grasses, so stick with them and forgo fancy cuisine 🙂

11 years ago

Hi I have 2 guinea pigs hershey and butterscotch. Butterscotch keeps chewing on everything in his cage to the point of I cannot sleep. I’m also wondering can you give them grass from your lawn, if so what does it have to look like? Thank you! This list helps me a whole bunch!

Reply to  Sandra Walton
11 years ago

I know lactose (generally in dairy) can cause eye problems and blindness. Sorry for your little guy 🙁

Reply to  kelsey
11 years ago

You probably could give them grass from your lawn, but our advice is to avoid it. Firstly, unless grass is cultivated with the express purpose of pet consumption, it’s difficult to know what could have gotten on it or in the soil or what the nutritional value (high in calcium?) of the grass is. Certain varieties can cause gut upset or other complications if not fed properly.

That being said, while we’re outside in the summer we do nibble a bit on the lawn grass. We’re fortunate enough to have Humans who keep the lawn pesticide free (hand weeded! omg!) and grown explicitly for us, but this is probably the exception.

If your lawn is healthy and a your confident of your guinea pigs’ intestinal fortitude, wash a few pieces off and see if your pigs like them. But muncher beware 🙂

crystal mueller
crystal mueller
11 years ago

I rescued a guinea pig out of the dumpster…. yes thats right someone put a guinea pig in a pet carrier and threw it in the dumpster. I went and bought it all the stuff it needs and could want lol. I am confused on how I should feed him these foods. Should I feed one at a time , should I mix together? And the ones that say almost daily …??? How often. I got him grapes , strawberrys, peppers, carrots , celery, lettuce… how would you suggest feeding him. Please help this confused new momma lol

Reply to  crystal mueller
11 years ago

Hi, Crystal! Will you submit your question to Ask HappyCavy? It’s easier for my little cavy paws to answer from there 🙂

11 years ago

I’m quite confused as to how much my piggys can have of veg and fruit! . They are 12 weeks old and very lively and love to munch all I’ve given them up to now. They get lots of hey and excel pellets too.

Reply to  debbie
11 years ago

About 1 cup per adult pig per day will do you, this usually consists mostly of dark green lettuce and a few slices of a veggie or two listed here. For baby guinea pigs, I’d cut to 1/2 cup and see how that goes.

Reply to  Hammy
11 years ago

Thanks Hammy! I’m so new to guinea pigs, and love them so so much. By the way, can they eat broccoli leaves??

Reply to  debbie
11 years ago

Broccoli leaves are OK, just feed sparingly as they are high in vitamin A. Happy munching! 😀

11 years ago

i dont feed mine much, but i usually feed him a 1/2 a carrot and he loves it! he really wont eat anything else and we have tried a lot of things, and i just feel like he’s on a bad diet :(. all he will eat is carrots and organic hay. i wish i could try more things. if any of you have any edvice out there it would be helpful!?!

11 years ago

I was told that Alfalfa Hay was bad for my guinea pigs and to only give them Timothy Hay.

Reply to  Tammy
11 years ago

Hi, Tammy! Alfalfa hay can be given to young guinea pigs, pregnant, nursing or malnourished adults.

Louise Patterson
Louise Patterson
11 years ago

Thank-you for your site. We’re finding it really helpful.
Can you please tell me if it is okay to feed our guinea pigs, (Squeakle and Apple,) mushrooms, snowpeas and bok-choy. Thanks 🙂

dianne r
dianne r
11 years ago

One of my pigs is about 5 years old and very healthy, but recently her feces is very soft and sticky and a lot of it at one time. Is she eating too much fiber.

Reply to  Louise Patterson
11 years ago

Hi, Louise! Guinea pigs can eat bok-choy, but it makes them really gassy. Some mushrooms are OK, but they have no nutritional value. So basically “no” to mushrooms, a “very small quantities very rarely” or “no” for bok-choy, but snowpeas are OK.

11 years ago

Hi there can I feed my guinea pigs lemons?

Reply to  Zoe
11 years ago

Due to the high amount of citric acid, it’s not recommended 🙂

11 years ago

What about silverbeet?

Reply to  Zoe
11 years ago

Silverbeet is chard (listed here as “Swiss chard”. It is advise to feed chard: “Rarely, 1-2 times per month”. In other words, chard isn’t a great idea for a snack 🙂

roger lee simmons
roger lee simmons
11 years ago

what food has v.c in it

10 years ago

Hi, I have two guinea pigs named Snowball and Gaia. They sometimes fight over space. Snowball’s fine. But Gaia just lays around, and when I give him those treats like lettuce and mangoes, he just bites off a piece and doesn’t eat it. Will he be okay?
This is Gaia in the picture. Which type of guinea pig is it? Oh, the picture might be upside down.
The next picture is Snowball. Do you know what guinea pig he is?

10 years ago

Hi, I have two guinea pigs named Snowball and Gaia.
Snowball is in the first picture. Can you tell me what type of guinea pig he is?
This is Gaia in the second picture. Which type of guinea pig is it?

10 years ago

I just got my guinea pig and she is 2months old and very skittish of everyone is there anything I can do to get her to warm up to me or just wait?

Carrick Bigham
Carrick Bigham
10 years ago

Thanks for this. I am getting 2 short haired guinea pigs tommorow and i printed this out to put next to the hutch THANK U SO MUUUUCH

10 years ago

Since its spring time, my piggies have been trying out fresh foods I can bring in from outside. They looovve Dandelion greens. When they’re finished eating them they beg for more. I would definitely recommend letting your pigs try it! Are there any other plants you know of that are guinea pig safe and easy to find in your backyard?

Reply to  Ashley
10 years ago

While I’m not sure about backyard plants, you can check out our article Which Flowers are Safe to Feed My Guinea Pig. That should be a good start 🙂

10 years ago

Hi Hammy, we just got our first 2 piggies, and I want them to associate being picked up and played with as something special, I thought, in the beginning, as they get to know us, we could give them a special treat, that they only get when first picked up. Can you recommend something they would love, but should only have very little of.

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