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Vegetables and Fruits Safe for Guinea Pigs To Eat – The Happy Cavy “Snack” List

Published 5/31/2010 | Updated 12/3/2024
Category: Guinea Pig Diet | HappyCavy

Guinea pig safe food list
Photo courtesy of HappyCavy fan pyza*

Guinea pigs are always eating. Whether it’s pellets, grass hay, daily greens, or the occasional fruit snack, it may often seem like your guinea pig is born to eat (and create magic beans).

With an insatiable diet comes the responsibility to learn what constitutes a proper guinea pig diet. Choosing guinea pig safe foods can be a bit of a challenge. There are so many types of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that guinea pigs can eat.

So what should you be feeding your guinea pig?

What fruits and ?  What fruits can guinea pigs eat?? And herbs? What about those?

  • What can guinea pigs eat?
  • Which vegetables, fruits, and herbs are safe to feed your guinea pig?
  • Are the foods you have been giving your cavy “guinea pig safe“?
  • Besides water, high-quality hay, and pellets, what else can your guinea pig eat?

→ Jump to the Guinea Pig Safe Food List

First, let’s take a look at the basics of a guinea pig diet or jump to What The Happy Cavy Herd Eats for a general guide on the daily dietary requirements of guinea pigs.

A guinea pig’s diet should consist of the following:

#1. Water

Glass Water Bottle

A constant fresh source of fresh (preferably filtered but NOT distilled) clean, room-temperature water is an absolute must.

Water bottles should be emptied, rinsed, and re-filled each day.

#2. Grass Hay

Small Pet Select

High-quality grass hay (such as timothy hay) should be available at all times for your guinea pig. Hay delivers the fiber that that is essential for your guinea pig to be able to properly digest and proces food and nutrients. Without a constant intake of fresh hay, guinea pigs’ digestive tracks can shut down. Plus, hay helps guinea pigs keep their teeth clean prevents their teeth from growing too long.

How do you know if hay is high-quality? High-quality hay should be green with pliable stalks, free of mold and foreign particulates, and fragrant (not dusty or void of smell). Cheap, store-bought hay is no substitute for fresh, high-quality yummy goodness.

Most hay purchased at “big box” stores (PetCo, etc.) is NOT high-quality hay. Farm-to-cage is ideal and special caution should be taken when providing the most important food of your guinea pig’s diet: high-quality, pesticide(?) free hay.

NOTE: An alfalfa hay mix (1/2 timothy, 1/2 alfalfa) should be primarily fed to young guinea pigs under the age of 4 months and pregnant or nursing cavies. Because alfalfa hay is high in calcium, it should NOT be fed to healthy, adult cavies. Healthy, adult guinea pigs should be fed lower-calcium hays such as timothy hay or orchard grass hay.

#3. Pellets

Guinea Pig Pellets

Provide your guinea pig with about 1/4 – 1/8 cup of plain, corn- and seed-free guinea pig pellets for eating each day. Pellets are less important than a constant supply of fresh grass hay, though pellets can provide additional vitamins and nutrients that your guinea pig isn’t getting from hay alone, especially if the pellets are fortified in Vitamin C.

Guinea pig pellets should consist of only high-quality hay and should be served in a ceramic bowl, which is large enough to not tip over.

NOTE: Pellets alone are NOT a substitute for hay! High-quality grass hay is a must for proper guinea pig health.

Vitamin C

Like Humans, guinea pigs cannot manufacture their own vitamin C. To prevent survy and other health issues, each guinea pig should get 10 to 30 milligrams of Vitamin C each day; young, ill, nursing and/or pregnant animals require extra Vitamin C. While many guinea pigs will get an adequate serving of Vitamin C from vegetables and pellets, you may wish to supplement your cavy’s diet with a small amount of Vitamin C, either in power or tablet form.

NOTE: It is NOT recommended that you use water-soluable drops for supplementing Vitamin C. Watch How to Give Vitamin C to Your Guinea Pig (video) to see how HappyCavies get their Vitamin C.

Vegetables, Herbs, & Other Foods

Vegetables at Grocery Store

Guinea should be fed only up to 1 cup (240 mL) each (adults) of vegetables per day. However, it is ideal for you to limit their intake of vegetables. Just because they CAN have up to 1 cup doesn’t mean they need it. Please remember that your guinea pig’s food supply should NOT be mainly vegetables. And watch their calcium intake! Foods high in calcium can lead to the formation of bladder stones and other health issues.

To help you find which vegetables, herbs, and fruits are safe to feed your guinea pig, please refer to the Guinea Pig Food List below.

NOTE: Always introduce new foods to your guinea pig slowly and patiently. Begin introducing new foods by providing a small piece or two during the “first try”. Then, portions of a particular guinea pig safe food may be increased slightly with each subsequent serving. The way that you introduce nutrients is as important as a healthy diet. Guinea pigs have a sensitive digestive system which is easily upset.

Help Us Maintain The Food List!

There are so many foods a guinea pig can eat. If you know of a food that is not included in this list which you think we should add, please let us know!

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Guinea Pig “Safe Food List”

Updated: February 14, 2024

Click a letter to view that vegetable and refer to the “Notes” for cautionary advice.

Information on this chart is derived from the USDA FoodData Central. Information may have changed since the publication of this chart.

This chart takes into consideration several factors to arrive at our feeding frequency suggestions: sugar, calcium, phosphorous, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, oxalic acid content, and calcium to phosphorous (Ca:P) ratio. Not all fields are displayed due to space requirements. Chemical composition can be referenced at the USDA FoodData Central.

IMPORTANT: There are other important nutritional factors not represented in this chart. Please use GuineaLynx’s Vegetable/Fruit resource for additional information such as Calcium/Phosphorus Ratios and Oxalic Acid information: http://www.guinealynx.info/diet_ratio.html


Almost daily
Frequently: 2-4 times per week
Occasionally: 1-2 times per week
Rarely: 1-2 times per month

DO NOT copy or distribute this list it without express permission from HappyCavy.com. Contact us if you wish to use this list on your website.


Recommended Feeding Frequency:

Almost daily
Frequently: 2-4 times per week
Occasionally: 1-2 times per week
Rarely: 1-2 times per month

(fresh & raw)
in mg (per 100g)
in mg (per 100g)
Alfalfa – pellets 0 2200 Alfalfa pellets are suitable for young, growing and/or pregnant guinea pigs (under 1 year of age).
Ref. Pellets: Alfalfa vs Timothy.
Apple 4.60 6.00 Apple seeds are poisonous
Apricot 10.00 13.00
Arugula lettuce 15.00 160.00
Asparagus 17.69 28.14 May cause gas or bloating.
Banana 9.10 6.00 Can cause constipation.
Basil 4.5 38.0 Can cause constipation.
Beet greens/leaves
(beetroot greens/leaves)
30.00 117.00
Beets (beetroot) 4.90 16.00
Bell pepper See Peppers (capscium)
Blackberries 21.00 32.00
Blueberries 9.7 6.00 Feed in moderation.
Broccoli raab, rabe, rapini 93.00 48.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Broccolini 93.00 48.00 Stems are liked better than flowers
Brussels sprouts 85.00 42.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cabbage, green 51.00 47.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cabbage, red 57.00 51.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cabbage, Chinese pak-choi 45.00 74.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cabbage, Savoy 31.00 35.00 Feed in moderation. May cause gas or bloating.
Cantaloupe (rock melon) See Melon – Cantaloupe (rock melon)
Carrots 5.9 33.00 High Vitamin A. Feed in moderation.
Carrots, baby 2.60 32.00 High Vitamin A. Feed in moderation.
Carrots, top greens unknown unknown Unknown nutrient makeup. Feed sparingly.
Cauliflower / Broccoflower 46.40 22.00
Celery 7.00 40.00 Choking hazard. Remove the celery “veins” to prevent hazard.
Cherimoya 9.00 23.00 Very in very small amounts.
Cherries (without pits) – sour 10.00 16.00
Cherries (without pits) – sweet 7.00 13.00
Chicory, greens 24.00 100.00
Chicory, witloof 2.80 19.00
**Cilantro (corriander) 27.00 67.00 Feed in moderation.
**Collards 35.30 145.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Corn on the cob (1 med ear) 6.10 2.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Cranberries 13.50 7.00 Feed in moderation.
Cress, garden 69.00 81.00
Cucumber with peel 5.30 14.00
Dandelion Greens 35.00 187.00
Dill 85.00 208.00
Eggplant 6.5 6.5
Elderberries 36.00 38.00 Feed in small amounts.
Endive (escarole) 6.50 52.00
Fennel, fronds & leaves not recorded specially for fronds & leaves not recorded specially for fronds & leaves Feed rarely.
Grapefruit, white 37.00 15.00 Sour foods can cause mouth sores.
Grapes 4.00 14.00
Grass (lawn) See Hay
Green beans, snap 12.20 37.00
Hay varies by type varies by type IMPORTANT: Read Selecting Hay.
Honeydew 120.00 135.00 See Melon – honeydew
Kale 120.00 135.00
Kiwifruit, fuzzy (kiwi or kiwi fruit) 92.70 34.00 Remove brown, fuzzy skin.
Kohlrabi 62.00 24.00 Feed in moderation.
Kumquat 37.40 44.00
Lavender 12.00 215.00
Lettuce –
butterhead, boston, bibb
3.70 35.00
Lettuce –
romaine (cos lettuce)
4.00 33.00
Lettuce –
red leaf
3.70 33.00
Mammy-apple (mamey) 14.00 11.00
Mandarin orange (or tangerine) 30.80 14.00 Feed in small amounts.
Mango 27.70 10.00
Melon – Cantaloupe (rock melon) 36.70 9.00 Feed in small amounts.
Melon – casaba 16.00 5.00
Melon – honeydew 24.80 6.00
Melon – watermelon 9.60 8.00
Mint (peppermint) 31.80 243.00
Mustard greens 70.00 103.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Nectarine 5.40 5.00
**Okra 21.10 81.00
Orange 53.20 40.00 Citrus can cause mouth sores.
Oregano 2.30 1597.00 Feed in very small amounts.
Papaya 61.80 24.00
**Parsley (curly or flat) 133.00 138.00
Parsnip 17.00 36.00
Passionfruit, purple 30.00 12.00
Peach 6.60 5.00
Peas, edible-podded 40.00 25.00
Pears – Asian 3.80 4.00
Pears – European 6.60 18.15
Peppermint 31.8 243.00
Peppers (capscium), sweet green 80.40 10.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Peppers (capscium), sweet orange 146.7 0.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Peppers (capscium), sweet red 127.70 7.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Peppers (capscium), sweet yellow 183.50 11.00 May cause gas or bloating.
Persimmon 66.00 27.00 Feed in very small amounts.
Pineapple 15.40 7.00 Citrus can cause mouth sores.
Plum 9.50 4.00
Pumpkin 11.00 39.00 High in Vitamin A.
Pumpkin Leaves 11.00 39.00 High in Vitamin A.
Quince 15.00 11.00
Radicchio 8.00 19.00
Radishes 14.80 25.00
Raspberries 26.00 25.00
Raspberry leaves (from raspberry plant) 25.00 22.00
Spearmint 13.3 199.00 Feed in very small amounts
**Spinach 28.10 99.00 May cause gas or bloating. Contains high levels of oxalic acid.
Squash, summer 17.00 15.00
Squash, winter 12.30 28.00
Starfruit 34.40 3.00
Strawberries 56.70 14.00 Feed in moderation.
Sweet potato 22.70 22.00
Sweet potato leaves 11.00 37.00
**Swiss Chard 30.00 51.00 Feed in moderation. May cause diarrhea.
Taro leaves 52.00 107.00
Thyme 160.01 405.00 Feed in moderation.
#Tomato, red, cherry tomatoes 19.10 5.00 Avoid leaves and stems (poisonous) – See Dangerous Food List
Turnip greens 60.00 190.00
Watercress 43.00 120.00
Watermelon See Melon – watermelon
Watermelon rind Vitamin & mineral content unknown. Watermelon rind is safe.
Wheatgrass ~4.00 ~28.00 Fresh grasses may cause gut upsets.
Zucchini (courgette) 28.00 1.00

# Vitamin C values for tomatoes differ depending on variety and season.

** Contains oxalic acid which may contribute to the formation of bladder stones.

Please email hello[at]happycavy.com to make additions to this list.

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HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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Michael Sabino
Michael Sabino
11 years ago

Hey, this is a great site. Thanks for being so helpful! I read down the list and didn’t see anyone else addressing this. Is there a guideline for how much & how often I can feed these treats to my pigs? I’m sure it depends on the particular treat. Are there any I could give them daily aside from their own pellets/hay?

Thank you =)

Reply to  Michael Sabino
11 years ago

Thanks for your comment, Michael! We’ve just updated the list to include frequency feeding info. Hope you find that helpful! 😀

Michael Sabino
Michael Sabino
Reply to  Hammy
11 years ago

It’s exactly what I needed to know. Thanks!

11 years ago

do guinea pigs like dadelions?

Reply to  cupcakeater
11 years ago

They love them! Dandelion greens and the flowers, check out the first entry for D. 🙂

Darlene Walker
Darlene Walker
11 years ago

My piggies are very picky on their food. I want to try zucchini. Should I give them the skin of it also or do I need to peel it?

11 years ago

This is an invaluable list – thank you so much! Your piggies are adorable 🙂 We just got two beautiful boys from a rescue and I was really stuck wondering what was safe for them.

Thanks you so much!

(I attached a wee photo of them – Mugen and Jin!)

Reply to  Darlene Walker
11 years ago

They can eat zucchini skin, but yuck. They may not like it 🙂

Reply to  valerie_gibson
11 years ago

So cute! Thank you for the super adorable photo. Mugin and Jin – what lucky guinea pigs they are now 😀 Thank you for choose to rescue! And check out wheek.it if you have time 🙂

Kirsty Mckenna
Kirsty Mckenna
11 years ago

hi I am a bit worried about my guinea pig cody he is not drinking much water n I was wondering if u could help me out n give me a few answers n seclusions xx thanks 🙂

11 years ago

can I squeeze natural orange juices from the fruit into my guinea pigs water bottle if I change it daily

Reply to  Monika
11 years ago

It’s ideal if their water supply is fresh and untainted. If you’re concerned about vitamin C intake, check out our video How to Give Your Guinea Pig Vitamin C. 🙂

11 years ago

can they eat potato peels?

Reply to  frances
11 years ago

Potatoes are NOT safe, please refer to our list “Foods Guinea Pigs Should Not Eat” for other foods unsafe for cavies. 🙂

Margaret Chadwick
Margaret Chadwick
11 years ago

can guinea pigs have mashed potatoes

Reply to  Margaret Chadwick
11 years ago

Potatoes are not safe for guinea pigs.

11 years ago

my guinea pic bubble loves all the new fruit and veggies we’ve been trying him on thanks to your list!! red pepper is the newest one, and his favorite has always been carrot!! 🙂 here he is enjoying a stroke 🙂

11 years ago

Can guinea pigs have basil? My sunny loves it. My moms grows fresh basil and she eats it. She seems to be fine. My sunny s 1 a year or 2 can they have pellets and can you tell me where i can get cheap (price) pack. And 1 last thing is timothy hay fine for them? thanks ps i love the list its like a new diet for her because shes fat lol thanks a bunch for helping me out!

Reply to  jessica
11 years ago

What a lovely, well-behaved guinea pig! He deserves all the carrot he earns 😀 Thanks so much for Sharing Bubble with us!

Reply to  equallychloe
11 years ago

Hi, equallychloe! Basil is safe once or twice a week in small quantities.

Please read What Guinea Pigs Eat for an over-all guide on guinea pig diet.

Then check out the Guinea Lynx Guide on Pellets for specific brand and ingredient information.

Timothy hay is a requirement for ADULTS, alfalfa for baby and very young guinea pigs. Read the Guinea Lynx Guide on Hay for a wealth of info on hay requirements and information. Good luck! 😀

Holly Daldry
Holly Daldry
11 years ago

Hi Hammy, i have 3 guinea pigs called Gizmo, Boris and Barnaby! i love the happy cavy website and this list has been a big help!my piggies like lots of different fruits and veg and 1 of their favorites is carrot! whats your fave fruit or veg?!?

11 years ago

My ginwigs, Smokey and Bandit love sharing my food, and love devouring hard boiled eggs. I’ve read on the net that it’s bad for cavies? Can someone please give me a straight answer? Thanks 🙂

Reply to  Amy
11 years ago

Guinea pigs should NEVER eat “human” food (pastas, breads, proteins, etc.), eggs included. Just stick with veg and a constant supply of fresh hay and hay pellets 🙂

Reply to  Holly Daldry
11 years ago

I’ll eat just about anything! We all love carrot the most. When Piglet was around, her favorite was a few pieces of sweet tomato. Bitsy‘s favorite was cucumber. But the rest of us really like green or red pepper, parley, and carrot!

Sofia Wynn
Sofia Wynn
11 years ago

You deserve 5 stars!

Sofia Wynn
Sofia Wynn
Reply to  Sofia Wynn
11 years ago


Sofia Wynn
Sofia Wynn
Reply to  Lovejuliopiggy
11 years ago


Mahmoud Mostakeem
Mahmoud Mostakeem
11 years ago

thank you for your great information..i want to know if i can feed them blackberries leaves?? how much per day??

Shay Nessa
Shay Nessa
11 years ago

hello, my name is shaela!! and i just got my baby not even a week ago, his name is nibbles because i noticed he likes 2 nibble on everything lol he’s 8 months old. i was wanting 2 know, i pet him n interact with him off and on on a daily basis. how long will it take for him 2 like me and be ok with me holding him.. n is feeding him the wheat cereal thats frosted was ok. he really like them and goes nuts for them when i hold one out 2 him.

Reply to  Mahmoud Mostakeem
11 years ago

Based solely on anecdotal evidence, guinea pigs can eat blackberry leaves. However, there is no nutrient guide available for the leafs specifically, so we can’t tell you how often or how much to feed. A suggestion goes that one should pick blackberry leaves and shoots “young and tender” before feeding.

Reply to  Shay Nessa
11 years ago

Guinea pigs cannot have frosted wheat or nuts. No human food! Stick with hay, timothy hay pellets, water, and the occasional vegetable treat (like lettuce greens, cucumber slices, carrot pieces).

Mahmoud Mostakeem
Mahmoud Mostakeem
Reply to  Hammy
11 years ago

thank you alot, plz another question can i feed them cilantro and parsley daily???

Shay Nessa
Shay Nessa
Reply to  Hammy
11 years ago

oh thank you so much, but how long does it usually take 2 let me hold him and pet him??

Reply to  Shay Nessa
11 years ago

We sent you an email to your Yahoo account about that. Check your spam/junk folder? 🙂

Shay Nessa
Shay Nessa
Reply to  Hammy
11 years ago

thank you so much lots, 🙂

Guia Drea Ramirez
Guia Drea Ramirez
11 years ago

My abyssinian piggies were gift from a friend, it’s actually my first time to pet guinea pigs. they’re such a delight, and they are so talkative .:)
by the way, i wonder if i can feed them cherry tomatoes, and how? should i remove the seeds or not? thanks for the help! 🙂

Reply to  Guia Drea Ramirez
11 years ago

Yes! Guinea pigs love to eat cherry tomatoes! Just feed a few at a time and you can feed them 2-4 times per week. No need to remove the seeds unless they are unusually hard to large. Happy munching!

11 years ago

I heard that grapes can be bad for their kidneys, but on here it says you can feed them grapes 2-4 times a week. Can anyone clear it up for me? 🙂

Reply to  Sarah
11 years ago

Unfortunately for us, the Internet is full of anecdotal statements. I cannot locate any conclusive report demonstrating that grapes are bad for a cavy’s kidneys, unless you can provide a link? I have, however, found plenty of websites making this un-sourced claim 🙂

Any fruit or vegetable has the potential to be harmful, depending on each individual guinea pig’s unique physiology. But grapes are fine, just feed infrequently as suggested since grapes are relatively high in sugar. And stick to seedless grapes, the seeds can pose a choking hazard.

Does this help? 🙂

Reply to  Hammy
11 years ago

Yes, thank-you! I love this website, I always check everything I read back through here 🙂

Sandra Walton
Sandra Walton
11 years ago

my little guy loves egg is it safe for him to eat as long as we do not add salt or anything to it ???? he also loves tomato and carrots

Reply to  Sandra Walton
11 years ago

Tomato and carrots are OK (just refer to the recommended feeding frequency). Egg is never, ever OK.

Sandra Walton
Sandra Walton
11 years ago

i wouls like to know what could have caused our little guy to go blind

11 years ago

Hi, I know you have corn listed on here, but not the corn husks. My girl absolutely loves corn husks and I assume they have little nutritional value but I don’t see the point in taking them away from her since I would only throw them out anyway! I was just wondering how often I can feed them to her? Thanks!

Reply to  Sarah
11 years ago

You should read Alice’s post at Cali Cavy Collective 🙂

11 years ago

Can I give mine boiled rice?

Reply to  Esme
11 years ago

No. Boiled rice, and all rice for that matter, is not safe.

11 years ago

what about dragonfruit?

11 years ago

I have noticed at my pet food store and online that people are saying sunflower leaves and stalks are okay for Guinea Pigs to eat, I was just wondering if that is true? Because I have some growing in my garden 🙂 thanks!

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