
highlighting the fun and serious moments of caring for guinea pigs

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Cavy (KAY vee) is another name for a guinea pig [source]


This article may have outdated information.

The HappyCavy webcams and Guinea Pig Treat Machine went offline on April 8, 2024.

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Webcam Broadcasts Will Resume Next Week

Published 1/9/2013 | Updated 4/9/2024
Category: Website Updates | HappyCavy

Guinea pig web cams

As you may have noticed, the HappyCavy guinea pig web cams have been offline for several days, with the first broadcast interruption occurring over this past weekend, late Saturday night.

To clear a few things up, let’s address some questions that naturally arise when HappyCavy experiences webcam outages:

#1. No, the guinea pig web cams have not stopped permanently.

#2. Yes, the live streams will return soon.

#3. No, this temporary break from broadcasting is not due to the holidays, a failure to pay the Internet bill, or a New Years resolution to “unplug” from the Internet. That would be the LAST resolution we would make!

OK, so then WHY?!

Why the Webcams Are Offline

I assure you, it’s for a very good (and possibly VERY EXCITING reason).

In our most recent blog update, “Dot Gets a Guinea Pig Ramp“, we mentioned the need to re-configure the webcam angles in order to accommodate Dot’s new, expanded living quarters.

So, over the holiday season, the HappyCavy Guinea Pig Webcams got an upgrade!

This means that broadcast quality will improve and The Humans will be adding an additional web cam to the line-up! This will bring the total number of web cams to four, instead of the current three.

That’s right! Soon HappyCavy will be the ONLY website with FOUR live streaming guinea pig web cams!

UPDATE 1/14/2013: The new webcam angle is now live! Get a look at the new (and improved) 4-cam set-up by tuning into the Guinea Pig Webcams!

Webcam Setup

Two webcams will feature Hammy, Feebee, and Buttercup’s living space. The other two web cams will give you a look inside Dot’s quarters, including one that shows her new upstairs loft!

Ideas for Web Cam Withdrawal

If you’re experiencing a sense of withdrawal from your daily routine of checking in on the HappyCavy webcams, here a few ideas to help you through the rest of the webcam-less week.

Read a random page on the blog! Like this one, or this, or even this!

Visit HappyCavy on Facebook or Twitter!

Watch a video or two!

Go play outside!…Or look at our photos on Flickr. The choice is yours 🙂

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HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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The HappyCavy guinea pig blog shares the joys and challenges of raising happy and healthy guinea pigs.

You'll find tips on guinea pig health, diet and proper care and lifestyle content such as news and entertainment.

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