
highlighting the fun and serious moments of caring for guinea pigs

Guinea pig blog with care advice, recommendations and health tips

Cavies need something to chew; their teeth grow life long [source]

HappyCavy's #CavyCare Twitter Tips

    Spring is here and guinea pigs love dandelion snacks! Leaves, stems & flowers are edible, just feed in moderation & pesticide free #cavycare

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Guinea Pig Pigloo Hide-Aways

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How to Clean Your Guinea Pig’s Ears

Published 3/29/2013 | Guinea Pig Health | HappyCavy

How to Clean Your Guinea Pig’s Ears

Aside from the potential harm that arises from guinea pig ear wax, dirty ears can be uncomfortable, unsightly, and in its nature just very, really, terribly gross. Clean your guinea pig's ears before it's too late!...

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Ultimate Care Schedule for Happy Guinea Pigs

Published 3/17/2013 | Guinea Pig Health | HappyCavy

Ultimate Care Schedule for Happy Guinea Pigs

Happy guinea pigs require lots of love and attention, and a predictable daily routine! Learn about how you can keep your cavy on track with these helpful cavy care tips....

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Guinea Pig Dewlap: Not a Double Chin

Published 2/1/2013 | Ask HappyCavy | HappyCavy

Guinea Pig Dewlap: Not a Double Chin

Hammy has received a lot of questions lately about the mysterious "guinea pig double chin". Perhaps due to the winter weight gain, but whatever the reason, that extra pouch of skin is not an extra "double chin". It's called...

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How to Find a Guinea Pig Pet Sitter You Can Trust

Published 12/22/2012 | Popular Articles | HappyCavy

How to Find a Guinea Pig Pet Sitter You Can Trust

Taking a vacation? ...Who's going to watch your guinea pig? Get the scoop on how to go about finding a qualified guinea pig sitter....

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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Radishes

Published 12/6/2012 | Guinea Pig Diet | HappyCavy

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Radishes

Can guinea pigs eat radishes? Yes! Guinea pigs especially enjoy the green radish tops, which can be fed in moderation....

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The HappyCavy guinea pig blog shares the joys and challenges of raising happy and healthy guinea pigs.

You'll find tips on guinea pig health, diet and proper care and lifestyle content such as news and entertainment.

Find out more about HappyCavy.

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