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A male guinea pig is a boar, a female guinea pig is a sow [source]

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Which Flowers are Safe to Feed My Guinea Pig

Published 4/12/2013 | Updated 3/31/2024
Category: Ask HappyCavy | HappyCavy

Cinnamon the Guinea Pig

What are some flowers that I could buy during spring time to grow in a pot, such as pansies, marigolds, etc. that I can feed my guinea pigs? I see them and they are so pretty and wonder if my Cinnamon could safely enjoy any of them? Any advice is appreciated!

Nicole and Cinnamon via email

P.S. – Enclosed is a photo of my guinea pig Cinnamon. Enjoy! 😀

Hi, Nicole and Cinnamon!

Thanks for the photo of Cinnamon! What a cutie!

With springtime upon us, very soon guinea pig keepers from all over the Northern Hemisphere will begin to prepare their gardens, plan new runs, and start thinking about which plants to grow this year.

Fortunately, there are plenty of wild plants and forages that guinea pigs can eat during the spring and summer months. But, as with any new plant you feed your guinea pig, start off feeding small bits and pieces just once or twice a week.

Only Feed Chemical Free Plants

You must be careful, because flowers are often sprayed with chemicals and pesticides. Any flowers you get from a florist or boutique are dangerous, as are flowers picked in yards that are chemically treated.

Only feed flowers that you’ve grown yourself that are pesticide free or that come from the edible flowers section of the produce department of your local grocer.

And remember: Feed in very small amounts, and when in doubt, don’t! 😀

Chamomile flower
Chamomile flower
Dandelion flower
Dandelion flower
Squash blossoms
Squash blossoms
Nasturtium flower

Feeding Flowers: Important Considerations

Any kind of flower fed to your guinea pig should be a treat!

Flowers vary by nutritional composition and mineral content. Feed only small bits of any flowers until your guinea pig acclimates to a new treat.

The Guinea Pig Safe Flowers List


Yellow highlight = Calcium and other nutritional information could not be found.

All figures given as average amount in 100 grams (g).

FLOWER Calcium Vitamin C
Anise (Pimpinella anisum)    
Bee Balm (Monarda)    
Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis)    
Carnation (non-dyed or sprayed) – petals    
Chrysanthemum (leaves) 117.000 mg 1.400 mg
Clover (Trifollium repens or Trifolium pratense)    
Dandelion (Teraxacum officinale) – leaves, stems, flowers, feed only once or twice per week 187.000 mg 35.000 mg
Field Violet / Wild Pansy (Viola tricolor)    
Hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officinale)    
Lavender 215.000 mg 12.000 mg
Linden / Lime Tree (Tilia cordata or Tilia platyphyllos)    
Marigold (caneldula; Calendula officinalis) – leaves and flowers    
Pansies – petals    
Rose hips – wild 169.000 mg 426.000 mg
Squash blossoms – petals    
Sweet violet    
Vetch (Vicia x)    
Yarrow (Achllea millefolium)    
Wild Chamomile (Matricaria chammomilla)    

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HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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11 years ago

Hello, I have just started coming to you’d site recently and I am thankful for your wealth of knowledge. Our two newest additionTwinkle an Sam are glad to have parents that haven’t such a helpful website! I was wondering a few things actually one being can they have rose hips from any roses or just certain ones? Also can they be dried? 2. What treats can they have besides fruits, vegetables,and flowers? And 3. Can they have raisins? Thanks so much!!

Reply to  Jollywho7
11 years ago


Reply to  Jollywho7
11 years ago

Thanks for stopping by, glad you’re finding some info to help you along the way 🙂 Not sure which types of rose varieties are unsafe, but I do know acceptable varieties are Dortmund, Hansa, Old Blush, Rosa Canina, and Rosa Rugosa Rubra.

As for other types of acceptable treats, a guinea pig’s ideal diet consists of fresh grass hay, water, and grass hay pellets; veg on occasion, fruits in moderation, and flowers rarely (if your piggie even likes flowers). There’s enough veg and fruit to satisfy a cavy for a lifetime!

Have you seen our list Safe Vegetables for Guinea Pigs and Dark Green Lettuce for Your Guinea Pig? Those articles may help you find other yummy treats for your guinea pigs. Hope this helps!

11 years ago

Do you think an adult is like 3 and up? My guinea pig is 2 in a half any suggestions if pellets would be a good idea or hold off?

11 years ago

Can guinea pigs eat Lavender? My piggy swiped some from me and ate it before I could take it away. I know she liked it cause she begged for more. She hasn’t had any more, but if its okay for her to eat it I’d like to give her some.

Reply to  Ashley
11 years ago

Yep, lavender is safe for guinea pigs, but go easy since it’s got a lot of calcium. 🙂

10 years ago

can guinea pigs eat dandilions

Reply to  kayleigh
10 years ago

Yes, dandelions are on the list 🙂

Jamie L Steible
Jamie L Steible
10 years ago

What is lavender?

Jamie L Steible
Jamie L Steible
10 years ago

Hey hammy first timer here so my question is how much can my piggy daisy eat of dandylions

Reply to  Jamie L Steible
10 years ago

Lavandula (common name lavender) is an aromatic purple flowering plant usually used as an herb. The lavender we are referring to is Lavandula angustifolia.

Reply to  Jamie L Steible
10 years ago

We feed dandelions rarely, about 1 stem and 1 flower only one day each week for each pig. But you can probably get away with 2 stems and 2 flowers for each pig.

Aussies Cavy Owner
Aussies Cavy Owner
10 years ago

Hello, thank you for making this info’ available. It is great. I have been looking for it and you have it all in one place. Thank you.

10 years ago

hi hammy i dont have a piggy (yet) im 11 and im trying to convince my dad to get me one can your owenr typ me back on what to do thx

10 years ago


Sharon York-Chimero
Sharon York-Chimero
9 years ago

My two piggies LOVE my roses. As soon as I bring them into the room and they smell them, they practically climb the wall of their cage trying to get to them…lol.

Audrey Rose Gruber
Audrey Rose Gruber
9 years ago

thanks that is awesome to know!:)

9 years ago

Is the flower called a Firecracker safe to eat because my guineapig ate one 🙁

9 years ago

I bought some edible flowers from a health food store, Sprouts. And im not sure what type of flowers they are. We are thinking marigolds but not for sure. I couldn’t get much help from the store staff. I’ve also read marigolds are poisonous to piggies. Before I looked more into that issue we were feeding 1 flower everyday as a treat to our boys… And they loved them as did our bearded dragons. So marigolds ????

Thank you,

Reply to  Becca
9 years ago

Hi, Becca! Marigolds — as long as they are not treated with pesticides or other chemicals — are safe for guinea pigs to eat. However, marigolds are safe as an occasional treat. So, cut down the feeding from one flower a day to one flower a week. 🙂

Reply to  Becca
9 years ago

Thank you !

9 years ago

hey I have 1 guinea pig his name is Pippen he is around 2 years old. and I’d like to grow a little garden in his hutch (it’s outdoor) what flowers are safe for him to eat on a daily or when ever he feels like it?

8 years ago

Can guinea pigs have tacoma (yellow bells)? I know they are non-toxic because we use them for browse for other animals. Just wondering if it would be safe for my guinea pig.

Jackie Tyce
Jackie Tyce
Reply to  kayleigh
7 years ago

I feed mine all the time the go crazy for them

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