
highlighting the fun and serious moments of caring for guinea pigs

Guinea pig blog with care advice, recommendations and health tips

Guinea pigs were domesticated in 5000 BC by the Incas [source]

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How to Get Help Paying for Guinea Pig Veterinarian Bills

Published 9/30/2015 | Guinea Pig Health | HappyCavy

How to Get Help Paying for Guinea Pig Veterinarian Bills

Whether you currently own guinea pig, or you’re thinking of welcome one (preferably two!) into your home, you need to have a plan for how you’re going to pay for every day ordinary and, eventually, extraordinary expenses. But what happens when yo...

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This “Guinea Pig Bridge” Song Will Make You Smile

Published 3/17/2015 | Fun Stuff | HappyCavy

This “Guinea Pig Bridge” Song Will Make You Smile

Parry Gripp, a YouTuber with a penchant for penning cute songs about even cuter animals, has just released a song about the guinea pig bridge at the Nagasaki Bio Park in Japan. It is amazing....

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How to Identify and Understand Guinea Pig Sounds

Published 11/1/2014 | Popular Articles | Richard Jeng

How to Identify and Understand Guinea Pig Sounds

As with most pets, communication is key in raising not only a healthy, but also a happy, guinea pig. So to help you better understand your fuzzy friend, this article describes the seven most common guinea pig noises, and what they probably mean....

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How to Host Floor Time for Your Guinea Pig

Published 10/24/2013 | Popular Articles | HappyCavy

How to Host Floor Time for Your Guinea Pig

Your guinea pigs are built to move, and floor time is the perfect way to give your guinea pig just what he or she craves: a time for fun and discovery....

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How to Build A Stronger Bond With Your Guinea Pig

Published 10/12/2013 | Ask HappyCavy | HappyCavy

How to Build A Stronger Bond With Your Guinea Pig

Learn what steps you can be taking to build a stronger, closer bond between you and your guinea pig friend....

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About This Guinea Pig Website

The HappyCavy guinea pig blog shares the joys and challenges of raising happy and healthy guinea pigs.

You'll find tips on guinea pig health, diet and proper care and lifestyle content such as news and entertainment.

Find out more about HappyCavy.

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