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Dot’s New Digs On Web Cam 3

Published 8/10/2012 | Updated 4/8/2024
Category: Herd Happenings | HappyCavy

Dot Explores Her Temporary Guinea Pig Home

Follow Dot’s Guinea Pig Introduction Story:

Dot’s Guinea Pig Introduction Process

As many of our wonderful friends know, Buttercup sustained a nasty-looking bite wound to the nose area early on Wednesday morning, August 8.

Dot had been living among Hammy, Feebee, and Buttercup inside the HappyCavy Home for almost two days without incident. Needless to say this attack left Human #1 and Human #2 unsure of what to do and how, and even if, to proceed with Dot’s guinea pig introduction.

Once The Humans had evaluated the events of Attack Day, they knew they had to take immediate action to help The Herd move ahead with this situation.

As the HappyCavy Family Doctor pointed out during Buttercup’s recent vet visit, Dot living together with the rest of the HappyCavy Herd might not be an option. He advised The Humans to take some time to familiarize Dot with the new sights, sounds, and smells of her family-to-be by keeping her near the cage, but safely out of reach.

Beforehand, The Humans thought this might be The Good Doctor’s advice, so, before Buttercup’s vet visit, The Humans built separate quarters for Dot inside the HappyCavy Forever Home.

Dot’s new “temporary home” is now visible from guinea pig web cam #3.

Dot's Separate Home Inside the HappyCavy Forever Home

The Humans will keep Dot separated for several weeks as she adjusts to the new sights, smells, and sounds of the rest of the Herd. She seems to be adjusting well to her new surrounds. Plus, she seems happy to be out of the small cage that she had to occupy while The Humans figured out a plan that would work best for everyone.

Make sure to check out Dot’s new digs on webcam #3!

Dot On Guinea Pig Web Cam #3

Read about Buttercup’s recent vet visit for a lip wound:

Buttercup’s Vet Visit

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