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Dot The Guinea Pig: An Update

Published 8/15/2012 | Updated 3/17/2024
Category: Herd Happenings | HappyCavy

Separate floor time

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Dot’s Guinea Pig Introduction Process

As many of you know, Dot’s introduction attempt last week did not go well, to say the least. After an attack incident in which Buttercup suffered a cut lip and required a vet visit, Dot was separated from the rest of the HappyCavy Herd and introductions were suspended.

Fast forward a week later to today and Dot is still staying inside her separate area alongside the rest of the HappyCavy guinea pigs.

Fortunately, her attitude has seemed to cool down a bit, and there has been minimal chattering through the double wall of her separate home.

Double safety wall

The Humans have decided that they will continue Dot’s separation for about a month’s time, which will end sometime in late September. At this point, a re-introduction attempt will be made. If Dot continues to show aggression after the “month’s cool down”, a more permanent solution to Dot’s living arrangements will have to be made.

Buttercup’s lip wound is healing quite nicely. Daily doses of antibiotics are helping to keep her lip free of infection and extra servings of snacks are keeping her happy and chubby!

Until then, Dot is being included in every aspect of everyday Herd life, including floor-time, evening cuddle-time with The Humans, and snack time. The only difference is that she must be separated through a wall of grids, though neither her nor Hammy, Buttercup, or Feebee seem to mind the new arrangements.

Though separate accommodations must be made for all of Dot’s daily activities, Human and HappyCavy alike are remaining optimistic that, in late September, re-introductions will go on without the teeth chattering and rumble-strutting from last week!

What are your thoughts on this process?

Do you have any ideas or suggestions as to how Dot can be encouraged to get along with the HappyCavy Herd?

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HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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12 years ago

I’m glad introductions will continue soon! I was worried they would be permanently separated! Also there is an error in the last paragraph. You typed buttercup twice!

Reply to  PiggyLuver4Ever
12 years ago

Ha, thanks for letting us know! It should have read “Feebee”. It’s fixed now, thanks again 😀

11 years ago

Thanks for your comment, Dorothy! The blog is updated about once a week, there were a few more updates written about this story. You can find them in the Dot tag, and there a few below (descending oldest to latest).

There can be rejection, and in this case it seems to be a personality conflict between Dot and Buttercup. Since the attack, Feebee isn’t fond of Dot, either, since she hurt her lifelong sister Buttercup. They are much happier living separately!

Buttercup’s Lip and Dot’s Re-Introduction Plans
Dot: A Continuation of the Guinea Pig Introduction Process
Dot: When Guinea Pigs Can’t Live Together
Dot Gets a Guinea Pig Ramp
Guinea Pig Webcams: New and Improved

Lizarts Hobby
Lizarts Hobby
11 years ago

Yes this is true, I adopted Dexter a week before Maxi arrived. Dexter was already at home with his environment and being by himself, with us here in the family can hold him just after 4 days as we let him roam around the kitchen, Then here we got Maxi who’s a bit older than Dexter to give him company. At first I was worried that this may happen, and so as Maxi entering into Dexter’s home, Maxi almost had bitten a leg of Dexter, running around like hell for Dexter, and luckily I was able to grab Maxi out from his home, so separated Maxi for the first two nights and I have prepared a new bigger home for them. This new bigger home both of them made the trick , made them to feel as a newcomer to a new living environment. Since both of them are masculine one dominates the place and Dexter the younger accepted this calmly and they became close, sleeps together and can never be apart. My worries was done solved

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