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Dot’s Sudden Guinea Pig Health Crisis

Published 7/30/2014 | Updated 9/20/2022
Category: Herd Happenings | HappyCavy

Categories: Herd Happenings

Guinea pig on vibrating pillow to treat assumed gut upset

Dot’s taking a ride on her vibrating pillow


PART 1: Dot’s Sudden Guinea Pig Health Crisis
PART 2: Dot Has Crossed the Rainbow Bridge
PART 3: Obituary Tribute to Dot the Guinea Pig

Dot passed away July 30, 2014 at approximately 7:40pm. She will be tremendously missed by the HappyCavy Herd. You can read the notice here.

If you’re someone for whom healing thoughts help, please send them to Dot.

Yesterday, Dot the guinea pig stopped eating and has to be hand-fed every half hour. She still isn’t eating, and is exhibiting signs of dizziness or confusion. The vet expects that it could have been a stroke, she may have a parasitic infection, or a deep inner ear infection.

Photos of Dot

The photo above is of Dot yesterday, when The Humans suspected gut upset. She’s taking a ride on her vibrating pillow. Today, she looks much worse.

The photo below is her at the vet’s office today, waiting for an emergency evaluation.

Guinea pig waiting for a vet appointment

Dot waiting for her emergency vet visit

Infections require antibiotics which, unfortunately, cannot be administered because of her upset gut. She is barely producing poo.

At the veterinarian’s office, Dot was given an injection of metoclopramide (Reglan), Banamine, Cerenia, and subcutaneous fluids.

The Humans were instructed to continue giving her Reglan, probiotic, and meclizine (Dramamine).

The medication has not helped; but sub-cutaneous fluid has perked her up, but just a little. Human #2 showed Buttercup to Dot, in the hopes seeing a cage-friend may help. Dot tried to pick herself up and “purr” at her through the cage, but fell down when she couldn’t.

She still isn’t eating or moving.

Please keep Dot in your best thoughts, as The Humans are being faced with very difficult decisions.

– The HappyCavy Family

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