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Dot: Separated

Published 8/3/2012 | Updated 3/17/2024
Category: Herd Happenings | HappyCavy

Dot in a Separate Cage

Follow Dot’s Guinea Pig Introduction Story:

Dot’s Guinea Pig Introduction Process

Yesterday, Dot was introduced to the HappyCavy Herd. Introductions proceeded like usual, with the first half-hour being rather uneventful. After the initial calm, they each began figureing out dominance with the typical rumble-strutting and durr-ing.

The “dominance dance” lasted just under 2 hours, after which Dot settled down and seemed to get along quite well with Hammy, Feebee, and Buttercup.

With the fighting over, The Humans cautiously placed each pig inside the HappyCavy Home and kept a close eye. Human #1 took to Facebook and Twitter to post a message about Dot’s successful introduction:

Just several minutes after posting the good news, things took a very different direction. Dot began to chase and lunge, doing everything she could to keep the other guinea pigs from staying downstairs and having access to hay and water.

After just a half hour, the chattering and rumblestrutting escalated to lunging and hair biting. Eventually, Dot had to be separated after Human #2 attempted to stop Dot from attacking Buttercup, and received a gnarly bite on his middle finger from Dot’s bared teeth.

To ease the tension, Dot was placed in a separate cage alongside the HappyCavy Forever Home. The Humans will be attempting to re-introduce Dot until she is able to calm down and get along with the rest of the herd.

Updates on Dot’s integration will continue to be shared!

UPDATE 08/05/2012: An update on Dot’s progress will be shared tomorrow.

UPDATE 08/08/2012: Due to a complicated introduction, “tomorrow’s” update never came. Instead, this happened.

Dot Separated from Herd

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12 years ago

Firsthand pig! I hope everyone is calmer today.

12 years ago

Lol. Dang autocorrect. Firsthand was supposed to be fiesty

12 years ago

So true! Feebee had such a difficult time, and now she’s such a sweetheart. There’s a lot of hope for Dot! 😀

12 years ago

any updates? or any chatter between the cages?

Reply to  SilyGoosey
12 years ago

Introductions have continued every day since Friday, and the chattering has reached bearable levels. An update will be posted later tonight or tomorrow!

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