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A male guinea pig is a boar, a female guinea pig is a sow [source]


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Dot: Guinea Pig Puzzle #3, The Final Piece

Published 8/2/2012 | Updated 4/8/2024
Category: Herd Happenings | HappyCavy

Follow Dot’s Guinea Pig Introduction Story:

Dot’s Guinea Pig Introduction Process

Dot’s quarantine period is finally over! She will be introduced to the HappyCavy Herd later today and will appear for the first time in her debut web cam broadcast tomorrow, Friday, August 3.

It’s all The Humans seem to be able to talk about during the last few days! So, let’s get on with a few important matters in welcoming a new guinea pig to HappyCavy.

Dot’s Guinea Pig Avatar

Guinea Pig Avatar Illustration

Dot’s HappyCavy avatar will be added to the header very soon! The cute white “poof” on the top of her head probably won’t make it into many of her photos since it’s rather difficult to photograph, but it’s so darn cute it just had to be included with her illustration!

Dot’s Name

In Dot: Guinea Pig Puzzle #2, the Humans asked for your opinion on whether Dot’s name should be kept “as-is” or changed to something else.

HappyCavy Friend Shanah suggested that The Humans ask Dot herself what she wanted to be named. So The Humans followed Shanah’s suggestion. Dot replied that she didn’t mind what she was called, just as long as she wasn’t ever called late to dinner. (She certainly has a dry sense of humor, she should get along just fine with Hammy!)

Guinea Pig Name Change Suggestion on Facebook

We received some great suggestions, so thanks to those of you who took the time to let us know what you thought, whether it was on Facebook, Twitter, or in our blog comments! In the end, the option to keep Dot’s name “as is” was the over-all winner.

And so it is:

“Dot: Putting the ‘Dot’ In HappyCavy.com Since 2012.”

Help Us Welcome Dot!

Join The Humans and the HappyCavy Sisters in welcoming Dot to the herd! Leave your message in the comments section below.

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About HappyCavy

HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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12 years ago

She is a beautiful pig. I hope introduction goes well.

E.T. (Eevee & Toby)
E.T. (Eevee & Toby)
12 years ago

Welcome, little Dot! No doubt you will enjoy your new herd and your lovely home. You’re a very lucky piggie!

Pip & Rhonda
Pip & Rhonda
12 years ago

Welcome home, Dot! You’re a lovely, lucky little lady! Enjoy, we’ll be watching… 🙂

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The HappyCavy guinea pig blog shares the joys and challenges of raising happy and healthy guinea pigs.

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