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Dot Has Crossed the Rainbow Bridge

Published 7/30/2014 | Updated 4/8/2024
Category: Herd Happenings | HappyCavy

Categories: Herd Happenings

Graphic of guinea pig crossing rainbow bridge

Dot has crossed the Rainbow Bridge


PART 1: Dot’s Sudden Guinea Pig Health Crisis
PART 2: Dot Has Crossed the Rainbow Bridge
PART 3: Obituary Tribute to Dot the Guinea Pig

Learn About Dot’s Story

Read our first notice of Dot’s health problems here, then catch up on her life on HappyCavy on the Dot tag on the HappyCavy Guinea Pig Blog.

At approximately 7:40pm Pacific Time on July 30, 2014, Dot the guinea pig passed away.

The onset of her issues happened quickly, within 24-48 hours. At this time, her death is thought to have been caused by a combination of a neurological condition, cancer, and/or infection, and, ultimately, bloat. (Edit 08/08/2014: Her cause of death was later identified as an aggressive form of lymphoma.) Euthanasia was administered at DoveLewis Animal Hospital in Portland, Oregon, after it was clear that her body was shutting down.

A necropsy will be performed by the HappyCavy Family vet, Southwest Animal Hospital. Hopefully, this can shed light on what was wrong with little Ms. Dot.

The Humans feel fortunate to have been able to care for Dot for the two years since she arrived to her Forever Home. She has brought laughter, cuteness, and a strong sense of independence to the HappyCavy herd.

We will miss her fussiness, we will miss her smiles, and we will miss her chubby butt.

But, above all, we hope she finds peace across the Rainbow Bridge.

You are free from your broken body, Dot.

We love you.

– The HappyCavy Family

Webcam Offline Notice

As is tradition when a HappyCavy guinea pig passes away, the webcams will be offline for 1 week beginning tomorrow, Thursday, July 31, 2014 to grieve for Dot. The webcams will resume to regular broadcasts on August 8, 2014.

If you feel compelled, please feel free to leave your condolences to Hammy, Feebee, Buttercup, and The Humans in the comment section below.

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About HappyCavy

HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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10 years ago

I just found your page yesterday, So sad for the loss of your fur baby 🙁

10 years ago

I was watching the piggies cam last night (Australian time). Saw Feebee, Hammy and Buttercup, but Dot was missing. I was wondering if she was out for a cuddle, then saw your Facebook update. So sorry for your loss. Hope cool Dot will find Bisty and Piglet, and popcorn together and watching their sisters and humans from the Rainbow bridge! RIP lil big Dot! Love and kisses!

Julie Vasold
Julie Vasold
10 years ago

My condolences to the Happy Cavy family. May Dot rest in peace and forever be in your hearts.

10 years ago

I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve shed tears over your little Dot but am glad that she’s no longer suffering. xo Jennifer

10 years ago

I have not been a member on Happy Cavy for very long but when I was coming on the website and saw little Ms.Dot with a halo and angel wings I knew she wasn’t suffering anymore as I know you and the other guinea pigs were going through a tough time with her illness. I hope she will have an unlimited treat dispenser and that she will have fun playing with Bisty and Piglet across the rainbow bridge. My condolences. So sorry for your loss

10 years ago

To all happy cavy herd and humans, so sad about your loss. You are all in our thoughts. We loved to watch dot on the cam. R.I.P dot, you will be missed so much. X

10 years ago

You’ve got me in tears 🙁 I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve been visiting your site for the past week for reference, and didn’t know of the web cams, although I feel through reading so much, that I knew her well. Rest in Peace, Dot.

Peggy Parks
Peggy Parks
10 years ago

My heart goes out to you humans as I know your heartache first hand. I lost my precious Lenny almost a year and 3 months ago. I still miss him and his adorable personality. Sending y’all a hug.

10 years ago

So sorry for your loss I to have lost two friends, last year two of my guniea pigs were attacked by a dog on the lose. Sadly, they didn’t make it! Now I have there desendants with us to love and care for, they remind us so much of the two family members we lost!

10 years ago

So so sorry for the loss, i loved whatching little dottie. I have also last one to a illness. So sorry again, best wishes to the humans, and the rest of the happy cavy family.

Kitty Gardiner
Kitty Gardiner
9 years ago

Dot….Why did you have to go so soon…

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