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Cavy (KAY vee) is another name for a guinea pig [source]

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Dot’s Red Wee and Buttercup’s Guinea Pig Surgery

Published 4/19/2013 | Updated 9/30/2015
Category: Herd Happenings | HappyCavy

Dot the Guinea Pig in her cage

Follow This Story

Follow Buttercup’s “mystery lump” surgery story below:

– 4/27/2013: Buttercup’s Surgery Recovery
– 4/23/2013: Buttercup’s Mystery Lump Surgery
– 4/19/2013: Dot’s Red Wee & Guinea Pig Surgery
– 4/6/2013: Guinea Pig Lumps and Troubled Rumps

It’s been a week since we wrote about Dot and Buttercup’s health concerns.

Since then, there’s been some decisions made as to how to address Buttercup’s mystery lump and what’s in store for Dot after her “bloody wee” scare.

It just wouldn’t be right to start the week off without giving our friends an update!

So let’s go!…

Dot’s Health

On Tuesday, April 9, Dot took her last dose of antibiotics. Since Dot’s first visit to the emergency vet on Sunday, March 31, there have been no signs of blood in her urine, and she has remained healthy, active, and hungry. That’s a good pig!

After a brief consultation with the HappyCavy Vet, The Humans decided that the best thing to do is to wait several weeks after Dot’s last antibiotic dose to see whether her urine remains blood-free. If the Red Scare decides to rear its ugly head again, then it’s back to the Table of Difficult Decisions.

But that’s for The Humans to decide. And, fortunately for us, we’re just guinea pigs.


Two Guinea Pigs After Lettuce Snack

Buttercup’s Mystery Lump: Surgery

Buttercup is scheduled for surgery on the morning of Wednesday, April 24. The surgery will take about 1 to 2 hours and will give the HappyCavy Family Doctor an opportunity to look at what this “mystery guinea pig lump” near Buttercup’s groin could be.

The Good Doctor isn’t comfortable aspirating the lump with a needle and, due to the size and location of the mass, X-rays wouldn’t yield the information needed to make a decision. By seeing the mass for itself, the vet will be able to 1) remove the mass and 2) analyze the mass to determine exactly what it is and what, if any, kind of treatment Buttercup may need in the future.

After Buttercup’s surgery, she will be monitored by the vet staff and released to The Humans later that afternoon. She will probably be wearing a protective guard and thus, Human #2 will be home all day for a week to care for her as she recovers from this procedure.

Buttercup is very eager to get the whole thing over with while The Humans are anxious to see Buttercup through to a healthy and happy post-op recovery.

Oy, what drama!

Follow This Story

Follow Buttercup’s “mystery lump” surgery story below:

– 4/27/2013: Buttercup’s Surgery Recovery
– 4/23/2013: Buttercup’s Mystery Lump Surgery
– 4/19/2013: Dot’s Red Wee & Guinea Pig Surgery
– 4/6/2013: Guinea Pig Lumps and Troubled Rumps

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11 years ago

[…] Find out why Buttercup needs to have surgery (and what this “mystery lump” is all about) by reading our update “Dot’s Red Wee and Buttercup’s Guinea Pig Surgery“. […]

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