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Buttercup’s Lip and Dot’s Re-Introduction Plans

Published 9/7/2012 | Updated 3/18/2024
Category: Herd Happenings | HappyCavy

Guinea pigs after a snack of lettuce

Hurray for Buttercup’s amazing powers of healing!

Her lip is now completely healed and shows no signs of what was once a nasty bite wound inflicted during Dot’s introduction process.

No one is more excited about this news than Buttercup, since she was not at all a fan of the scar she was sporting just a few weeks ago.

Now that Buttercup’s lip has healed and a patch of new fuzz has completely grown over the former scar, our attention turns to Dot and the plans to re-introduce her to The HappyCavy Herd.

The Humans will be re-introducing Dot near the end of September and plan to have daily introduction attempts made under very close supervision.

Unlike last time, when Dot was getting along with The Herd for days then decided that she didn’t like the cut of Buttercup’s jib, The Humans will be separating the guinea pigs at night, no matter how well everyone seems to be getting along during the day.

Learn more about Dot’s Guinea Pig Introduction Story:

Dot’s Guinea Pig Introduction Process

Nobody is sure how long it will take for Dot to become accustomed to her new life as part of the HappyCavy Herd, but one thing is certain: time, patience, and a carefully planned process of surveillance and close watching will be required to ensure a smooth transition without fighting or troubles.

Here’s looking forward to a fun-filled future with Dot the HappyCavy!

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