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Guinea pigs were domesticated in 5000 BC by the Incas [source]


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The HappyCavy webcams and Guinea Pig Treat Machine went offline on April 8, 2024.

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Feebee and Buttercup: An Update

Published 1/25/2011 | Updated 4/8/2024
Category: Herd Happenings | HappyCavy

Feebee and Buttercup have been in our lives for just three days, and already they have managed to wrap us around their fuzzy little fingers!

Feebee and Buttercup – the newest additions to our family – have been hiding in their pigloo together since their arrival on the 22nd. I am sure the almost 3 hour drive home did not help calm their nerves. So we have been leaving them alone since they seem most comfortable when they are alone and the lights are turned off in their room. They did come out of hiding today more than yesterday. They have been really sneaky about their hay, pellet, and water consumption; we know that they are eating, as evidenced in the amount of poopies they leave in a spot they have designated as a toilet area.

They really are very special cavies. I have never witnessed a pair of guinea pigs so tightly bonded. They are been inseparable since they got home, whether they are snuggling together in their pigloo or chirping to each other, signaling their position, as they scurry around their new home.

We won’t be able to share photos or much of anything about Feebee and Buttercup during their 2 week quarantine period. We want to give them their space and let them acclimate to their new environment.

So I’ve put together some highlights from our Twitter and Facebook updates that we shared during “Adoption Day”, January 22.

Follow us @happycavy on Twitter or at facebook.com/hammypig on Facebook for updates on Feebee and Buttercup’s progress.

Click the images below for a larger version

Adoption Day Updates

Adoption Day Updates 2

EDIT: Feebee and Buttercup will have their first day on the cavy cams Saturday, February 12. Join us for their live debut!

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HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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14 years ago

yay! Can’t wait to see them playing with Hammy and Bitsy 🙂

14 years ago

When can i watch them on the cams I want to see them!

Ted & Karina
Ted & Karina
14 years ago

Karina and I are so excited to see Feebee and Buttercup. We love this website. It is our new favorite place to go.

12 years ago

So glad you like HappyCavy! Yes, Feebee and Buttercup are still very close and, if frightened, will huddle in the same pigloo, though they are too big now to comfortably sleep in the same one. Good luck with your website, it takes time and patience but it’s worth it! 😀

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The HappyCavy guinea pig blog shares the joys and challenges of raising happy and healthy guinea pigs.

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