A guinea pig's ears are very sensitive to loud noises [source]
Rosie passed away on October 31, 2022, after a long and happy life of about 9 years of age. She will be greatly missed from the HappyCavy Herd.
Be young again, Miss Rosie. We love you.
More About Rosie: Where I Live, What I Eat
My Best Friend: Winnie
Other Cagemates: Baby Roo, JuneBug
Rosie the guinea pig was adopted on Saturday, June 6, 2015, from PGPR, a Portland-Oregon based network of volunteers.
Since she arrived to HappyCavy, she was best friends with her cage-mate Winnie.
Rosie was a shy girl, and would have rather hidden in her pigloo than make a big scene. Fortunately, with Winnie as a friend and after meeting new cagemates JuneBug and Baby Roo, she learned to come out of her shell and warmed up to her human caretakers.
Follow the Rosie tag on the HappyCavy Blog.