Guinea Pig Rescue Directory: USA, Canada, UK, Australia
Searching for a guinea pig to adopt? Refer to this handy list to find a guinea pig rescue near you!...
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1547 was the earliest known written account of a guinea pig [source]
Searching for a guinea pig to adopt? Refer to this handy list to find a guinea pig rescue near you!...
Cute guinea pig lips and nose [source] Guinea Pig Haiku #1 Cavy is your name. Rodent with gentle nature. Sweet herbivore pet. [source unknown]...
Buttercup the Guinea Pig poses inside of the Poop Factory Manufacturing plant. You can see the larger version on Flickr here....
Guinea pigs require daily vitamin C supplements to stay happy, healthy, and strong. Learn about an easy and simple way to give daily doses of vitamin C to your guinea pig....
Buttercup's lip has remained infection-free and is now almost completely healed. Read along to see her new look....