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Cavies need something to chew; their teeth grow life long [source]

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Monthly Guinea Pig Link Digest (September 2013)

Published 10/1/2013 | Updated 10/9/2023
Category: Fun Stuff | HappyCavy

Categories: Fun Stuff

Guinea Pig Read the Newspaper

Welcome to the HappyCavy Monthly Guinea Pig Link Digest!

The Monthly Guinea Pig Link Digest spotlights what we (and you!) consider to be some of the best of September 2013 from around the web.

Each month, blog articles, photos, guinea pig news, rescue information, and other weird or quirky stories of interest to the guinea pig community can be found here, all wrapped-up nicely and served to you with a cool side of wheek!

Submit Your Links!

Do you know of a link that deserves a spot in the monthly link spotlight? Please submit your Link Digest tips and we’ll include your suggestions in next month’s digest!

Guinea Pigs in the News

– Named after mid-century UK gangsters the Kray brothers, guinea pig siblings Ronnie and Reggie Kray once worked at HMP Eastwood Park prison at Wotton-under-Edge, UK. One day, as they were busy with their responsibilities of providing support and companionship to some of the 360 female inmates, Reggie the guinea pig came down with an ear infection. Like responsible Humans, the prison staff whisked Reggie to the vet, with a prison escort vehicle in tow. While we’re happy that Reggie and Ronnie were able to enjoy the same right to medical treatment as are the Eastwood Park inmates, others found the entire thing outrageous.

Guinea Pig Media

– Ed Helms, best known for his role as Andy Bernard in The Office and Stu Price in The Hangover, has begun production on a web series called “Tiny Commando”. The pilot, titled “Furry, Furry (Part 1)” features a super-small reconnaissance expert who is asked to help locate the family guinea pig. It’s a bizarre little web-show with a satisfactory ending.

– The rare and elusive Vertical Guinea Pig.

– Think you have a busy schedule? Think again. Introducing: the Guinea Pig Boss from Corydon Café webcomics.

Messy peeg= happy peeg. Period.

– Halloween is just around the corner! Thank goodness the Humans have found some appropriate attire.

September was a popular month for holding guinea pig pignics. Check out two below: one from the East Coast USA, one from the West Coast USA.

East Coast: 11th Annual Fall Boston Pignic on September 15.

West Coast: A lovely photoset of the September 14 2013 Bay Area Pignic.

Guinea Pig Rescues

QLD Guinea Pig Refuge in Queensland is the newest member of Australia’s growing community of resourceful and hard-working cavy rescues. Please take a moment to “Like” them on Facebook!

– Scott is a guinea pig rescue volunteer from California. One day, Scott took a trip through SoCal to transport a herd of rescued guinea pigs from LA Guinea Pig Rescue to Wee Companions in San Diego. Fortunately for us, he documented his and the guinea pigs’ journey while providing a fascinating look behind-the-scenes of two of California’s guinea pig rescues.

– Looking for a way to help rescue guinea pigs in the Southern California area? Check out the Shelter Exchange, a Yahoo! Group message board for Los Angeles and Orange County shelter scouts volunteering for small animal organizations.

Share Your Favorite Links!

Read a great article, saw an adorable photo, want to get some space on HappyCavy? Please submit your tips for our Monthly Link Digest here!

We’d love to hear your suggestions! 🙂

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About HappyCavy

HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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9 years ago

I recently got my 2 guinea pigs, Shadow and Squeaker, they’re 9weeks old but don’t drink much. Is there something wrong with them.

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