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A male guinea pig is a boar, a female guinea pig is a sow [source]

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Dinky the Guinea Pig’s Fleece Pigloo Topper

Published 3/29/2014 | Updated 3/16/2024
Category: Fun Stuff | HappyCavy

Hey, friends! As you may have noticed, things have been quiet on the HappyCavy Blog. Hammy, Feebee, Buttercup, and Dot — we are all splendid, just as pretty peegs should be. It’s The Humans who have been lazy. We blame them. That is all. Thank you.

Meet Dinky the Guinea Pig.

HappyCavy friend Sydney from Rochester, New York sent us a photo of her guinea pig Dinky (or Mrs. Pig) and a clever little idea we just had to share.

Like most Humans, Sydney doesn’t like trimming Dinky’s nails. In fact, Sydney doesn’t like nail trimming them so much that she takes Dinky to a guinea pig vet to get Dinky’s poo-stompers trimmed for her.

So, one day, Sydney took Dinky to the vet for a routine nail trimming appointment. And it’s a good thing they went! While at the doctor’s office, they noticed faint, red “pressure sores” on the pads of Dinky’s back paws. Fortunately, the sores were very faint and had not yet progressed to more a serious condition like bumblefoot.

Care recommendations were given, advice was doled out, and Sydney and Dinky went home to think about what the doctor said.

You see, Sydney knew that Dinky really likes to sit on top of her pigloo. But she never had any idea that Dinky could get sores from doing so! Despite Sydney’s commitment to a routine care schedule, including examinations for potential health problems, the sores were never noticed. Nevertheless, now armed with this new information, Sydney got clever.

Fleece Pigloo Topper

Sydney immediately went to work, cutting a small piece of fleece to fit the top of Dinky’s pigloo, replete with holes for the pigloo merlons. To help Dinky’s paws heal, and to prevent pressures sores in the future, Sydney placed a fleece topper on each of Dinky’s favorite pigloos.

With Dinky’s new pigloo padding and some extra love and care, Dinky’s feet have healed nicely and she won’t have to worry about feet pad issues in the future.

Does Your Guinea Pig Like Sitting on Pigloos?

Have you had an experience similar to Sidney’s? Does your guinea pig like to sit on top of his or her pigloos? Have you used home-made “pigloo pads” in the past?

Share your story in the comments section below, we’d love to hear from you!

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HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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Alice CaliCavy
10 years ago

Poo-stompers, ha! Great tip by the way 🙂

Reply to  Alice CaliCavy
10 years ago

We thought a few of our friends may like that one 🙂 Glad you found Sydney’s idea useful. Thanks for stopping by!

10 years ago

that is so sweet and funny at the same time my one guinea pig died last summer the one on the left.

Reply to  maryann
10 years ago

Aww, sweet peegs 🙂

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