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Guinea Pig Mites: Hammy’s Hair Loss

Published 4/19/2010 | Updated 3/21/2024
Category: Guinea Pig Health | HappyCavy

The HappyCavy guinea pigs are still going through their mite treatment.

I took them to the vet on Friday for another Ivermectin shot. They have all been scratching quite a bit and there is some hair loss appearing on Bitsy and Hammy. *sigh*

The doctor wants me to bring back the piggies in two weeks for another round of Ivermectin shots. I just hope that I can get the mites cleared up soon! I hate the thought that my guinea pigs might be in pain 🙁

*paws crossed*

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Guinea pig hair loss

Guinea pig mite hair loss ~ Hammy's back

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14 years ago

Poor piggies… this is a serious condition but I hold my fingers crossed too and do believe everything is gonna be just fine.

11 years ago

I just got a baby cavi yesterday from a co-worker who couldn’t care for him and after a trip to the vet, found out he probably has mites. He’s being treated but I was wondering if the hair grows back and how long does it take?

Reply to  Chrystal
11 years ago

Hi, Chrystal. Thanks for doing the right thing and getting your cavy treatment for mites. Hair can take a while to grow back, depending on the diet and overall health of your guinea pig. Buttercup was shaved to her skin for surgery in April and she has yet to grow it all back. So it can take a few months.

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