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Cavies need their nails trimmed once every month [source]

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Interview With A Guinea Pig

Published 6/1/2012 | Updated 7/20/2023
Category: Fun Stuff | HappyCavy

A GREAT video with a GREAT message!

A guinea pig is interviewed by Pets Add Life.

Conclusion: Pets need a pal to talk to.

Some of the hard-hitting questions include:

– What kind of pet would you like to have as a friend?
– What do you do at home all day?
– What is it like being an only pet?

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HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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12 years ago

Hi. My guinea pig has been a little lazier than usual. She is lying in the same area often. A local guinea pig owner says that she will just be getting lazier as she gets older, but I listened to her breathing and it seems a little puffy, although she hasn’t seemed to have any breathing problems. She has also recently made some weird high pitched sounds, but I’m sure they aren’t sneezes. Is she sick? And she’s about nine and a half months old. Would she be lazy at that age? Thanks!

Reply to  Aria
12 years ago

Hi, there, friend! 🙂  Your little piggie shouldn’t be getting lazy, especially at such a young age.

While it’s nearly impossible to diagnose a condition (because it really could be nearly anything), you should schedule a checkup with your family vet.  You can use the Guinea Pig Zone Vet Directory to locate a guinea pig friendly vet in your area.

12 years ago

my guinea pig seems more skittish now. When I try to get her out of her cage she runs around so I have to catch her and if i walk by her cage and she isn’t in her pigloo she runs inside it. Also i think she may have a shedding problem its not coming out in clumps but a bunch of strands come out when i scratch/pet her. help?

12 years ago

When i take my pig out of her cage and put her on my table she just sits there she may move a little bit to grab a piece of hay but that’s it is she becoming lazy or is it something else?

10 years ago

frist so cute and 2 i have 3 guinea pigs but on is sick

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