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Cavies need their nails trimmed once every month [source]

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The Guinea Pig Nutrition Pyramid

Published 3/9/2011 | Updated 9/17/2017
Category: Guinea Pig Diet | HappyCavy

This graphic has a permanent home on the What We Eat page.


Banana, green pepper, apple, cucumber, carrot, cherry tomatoes
Feed in moderation

Dark Greens

1 cup (240 ml) dark leafy greens per guinea pig each day

Fresh Water, Timothy Hay, and Pellets

Timothy hay, timothy-hay-based pellets (for adults) and alfalfa-based for babies, and fresh clean water should always be available

Vitamin C

Guinea pigs require Vitamin C supplements each day. We use crystalized Vitamin C sprinkled on the cavies’ favorite snacks – cherry tomatoe slices and yellow pepper. Vitamin C tablets are also available. Avoid using liquid forms as they may not provide a reliable source of Vitamin C.

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Kayleighjane hale
Kayleighjane hale
14 years ago

hello i have only had my guinea pigs for a week and i already feel like ive had them forever i love them with my heart and to me personally i think its very sad that sick people abonden these little darlings.

My guinea pigs are:

1. Fudge ( fudgey fruit bar )
2. Coco ( coco beany )
3. Noodle ( super noodle )
4. Peppie ( peppie la pue )

Hamsandwich Fish
Hamsandwich Fish
14 years ago

I’d like to point out that there’s a difference between liquid vitamin C and vitamin C drops. The liquid Vitamin C is like a cough syrup measured out with a small syringe. The vitamin C drops go in their water. The liquid form measured with a syringe is recommended by vets for sick and young pigs that might not be able to eat a tablet and can be bought in most exotic vet offices and vitamin stores. They have an expiration date on them and are usually fresh for 3 months. The water additive is not recommended as they get an unbalanced amount of vitamin C which can cause diarrhea and the drops encourage growth of bacteria in the water and must be changed daily. The packages usually bought in pet stores generally don’t have an expiration date posted. Vitamin C is a fragile molecule which is lost through manufacturing and breaks down quickly. If you don’t know how long your Vitamin C has been on the shelves, do not trust it.

12 years ago

Hi, Lilpigs! I replied to this comment some time ago, but now my reply is missing. Sorry about that!

We recommend 1 cup, not sure how 1/2 made it into the Food Pyramid but it’s been corrected 😀 Thank you!

crystal mueller
crystal mueller
11 years ago

How do you detour your cavy from snacks , everytime he hears us he wants a snack either a baby carrot or greens or grapes it changes with who he hears. Im afraid hes getting to much hes got a double chin now. We do let him out to exercise but he squeals for snacks. Should I be worried ??

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