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Buttercup’s Mystery Lump Surgery

Published 4/23/2013 | Updated 12/9/2013
Category: Guinea Pig Health | HappyCavy

Guinea Pig Sisters Feebee and Buttercup

Follow This Story

Follow Buttercup’s “mystery lump” surgery story below:

– 4/27/2013: Buttercup’s Surgery Recovery
– 4/23/2013: Buttercup’s Mystery Lump Surgery
– 4/19/2013: Dot’s Red Wee & Guinea Pig Surgery
– 4/6/2013: Guinea Pig Lumps and Troubled Rumps

Buttercup’s surgery day is finally upon the HappyCavy Family!

So, naturally, Buttercup took some time out of her busy schedule to test the softness and durability of her travel fleece. Sister Feebee was there to give her a helping paw.

What’s Going To Happen

At 6 AM Pacific Time tomorrow morning, April 24, Buttercup will be separated from the Herd and placed in her own, private enclosure.

To prepare for the anesthesia she will receive during the procedure, she will not have access to pellets and hay after 6 AM. As a standard pre-op precaution, food is withheld to reduce the chance that Buttercup will experience nausea from undergoing anesthesia.

Get The Details

Find out why Buttercup needs to have surgery (and what this “mystery lump” is all about) by reading our update “Dot’s Red Wee and Buttercup’s Guinea Pig Surgery“.

Buttercup Tests Fleece

Surgery Day

April 24, 2013 – Cost of Care: $454.95

What Was Done: 50min anesthesia (Isoflurane), 40min excise mass (actual mass removal), histopath (lab testing of mass), subcutaneous fluids, pre-anesthesia blood profile (to check for potential adverse reaction to anesthesia), Metacam® (meloxicam: pain reliever)

At 8 AM, two hours after Buttercup is separated, she will be driven by Human #2 to Southwest Animal Hospital in Beaverton, Oregon — 30 minutes from the HappyCavy Forever Home.

The Good Doctor will perform the surgical procedure during the morning hours, after which Buttercup will be given time to rest as she closely monitored by the friendly vet staff.

Seven hours after Buttercup first arrives at the vet’s office, she will be ready to return home some time around 5 PM Pacific Time tomorrow.

Buttercup Warrior Princess

We will keep you updated on Buttercup’s progress on our blog and on Facebook and Twitter.

Give Buttercup the Guinea Pig Some ♥

Buttercup needs some love!

Send your get well soon‘s, good luck‘s, and well-wishing wheeks to Buttercup in the Comment Section!

Breaking Updates

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

8:38 AM Pacific Time
Buttercup arrives at the doctor’s office. She is grumpy, a bit scared, and hungry since not having eaten for several hours. Human #2 leaves shortly after speaking with the vet assistant, who informed that surgery will most likely be performed at 11 AM.

11:00 AM Pacific Time
Anesthesia is administered, with surgery to begin shortly after. The doctor will call after the procedure is complete.

11:21 AM Pacific Time
The Good Doctor calls: Great news! The surgery went well and they were able to remove what presumably was a fatty hernia tumor. Who knew guinea pigs had to be taught to “lift with their legs”? (NOTE: Testing showed that the mass removed was a fatty tumor, not a hernia.)

3:48 PM Pacific Time
The Humans arrive at the vet’s office to pick up Buttercup. She is even more grumpy than before, but appears alert and fully awake. The vet tech informs The Humans that she hasn’t eaten since shortly after her surgery. The Humans were advised to closely monitor her throughout the evening and night to ensure she begins eating.

Buttercup’s sutures are internal, meaning that there’s no need for a post-surgical collar. This is a relief to the Humans and Buttercup alike; we hate those things with a passion!

After a debriefing with staff, The Humans load Buttercup into their car to get her back to the HappyCavy Forever Home as quickly and safely as possible.

Follow This Story

Follow Buttercup’s “mystery lump” surgery story below:

– 4/27/2013: Buttercup’s Surgery Recovery
– 4/23/2013: Buttercup’s Mystery Lump Surgery
– 4/19/2013: Dot’s Red Wee & Guinea Pig Surgery
– 4/6/2013: Guinea Pig Lumps and Troubled Rumps

4:48 PM Pacific Time
Buttercup arrives safely home, where she is allows to sniff her sisters. This seems to perk her up a bit. Human #2 then gave Buttercup a dose of pro-biotic to encourage proper gut health.

5:12 PM Pacific Time
Buttercup begins eating again! She is quickly on her way towards a speedy recovery!

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HappyCavy is your go-to source for tips and recommendations on guinea pig care and entertainment.

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ashley ryan
ashley ryan
11 years ago

Good luck Buttercup from snap, crackle, pop and wee one all the way in Glasgow Scotland xxx

11 years ago

Oh I’m so worried! Hope everything goes well!

Melissa Bloechl
Melissa Bloechl
11 years ago

Good luck little Buttercup! Fig and I wish you all the best from New Hampshire!

11 years ago

Sending prayers your way Buttercup. I hope everything goes smoothly and that you get well soon! Love you! <3

11 years ago

“Thank you to everyone for your kind words and positive thoughts! It will be a while until I recover fully, but I know I can make it through with awesome friends like you by my side!” ~ Buttercup

11 years ago

I’m so glad to hear that Buttercup is on her way to a speedy recovery. Sending good wishes regardless! <3

11 years ago

[…] chronological time-line of Important Surgery Day Events has been posted to the bottom of our last update. And since then, things have been going so well […]

7 years ago

Good luck Buttercup… Bringing mine in a week because I found a little one on her belly…

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