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Bitsy Takes Baytril

Published 4/24/2011 | Updated 9/20/2022
Category: Guinea Pig Health | HappyCavy

Guinea Pig with Baytril
Bitsy Get Cozy With Her Baytril Medication Bottle

Bitsy has a urinary tract infection (UTI). Uh oh!

Urinary tract infections are common yet serious health problems for guinea pigs. Female cavies are more prone to getting a UTI than males; this will probably not be the last time that one of the Happy Cavy guinea pigs experiences this kind of health issue.

A urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection that can cause pain when peeing, bloody urine, and other unsavory health problems.


The humans began to notice a strong odor from the HappyCavy Home about a week ago. After a few days of monitoring the guinea pigs’ behavior closely during floor time and cuddle time, they were able to figure out that the smell was coming from Bitsy.

Her bum-area was slightly wet, slightly dirty, and really stinky. The smell was the same odor that was noticed in the cage. After consulting Guinea Lynx and other online resources, it was pretty obvious that something was not right. So an appointment was made for the vet the next day.


Guinea pig at the vet
Bitsy At The Vet

Bitsy’s appointment was Thursday (April 21st).

Bitsy had X-rays taken that showed no signs of bladder or kidney stones. The vet did not want to draw urine from Bitsy’s bladder with a needle due to the infection risk and also wasn’t able to get Bitsy to pee for a sample to test. But Bitsy’s symptoms led the vet to conclude that she indeed had a UTI.

So Bitsy was prescribed Baytril, a guinea pig safe (“broad spectrum”) antibiotic. She will be taking two 0.3mL doses of Baytril each day for 10 days – but not without her putting up a fight 🙂

The humans are also giving Bitsy a dairy-free acidophilus (probiotic) in between the Baytril dosages each day. Doing this will help ensure that Bitsy does not experience gut upset from the antibiotic.

The vet said that the Baytril medication should start helping her within a few days.

Hopefully Bitsy will be better just in time for Monday…….isn’t that just like life?? 😀

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13 years ago

Get Well soon, Bitsy

13 years ago

Hope that Bitsy gets better soon! She looks very sweet and curious!

13 years ago

i think my guinea pig might have a UTI. thanks for the update i feel much better now, my new years resoloution was not to cry but because i was scared about the blood. i havnt cried yet and im taking my guinea pig to the vet tomorrow. xo

Reply to  fiyariya
13 years ago

Good luck to you and your guinea pig. Let us know how it turned out?
~ Hammy xoxo

13 years ago

Awww, thanks for asking about Bitsy!! She responded really well to the Baytril. In fact, it took care of her UTI within a few weeks. In Bitsy’s case, Baytril was prescribed for a urinary tract infection, not a URI. Hmmm, not sure if this would make any difference?

Also, the humans gave Bitsy a probiotic to help keep her gut healthy and safe from bloat while she was taking the antibiotic.

Best luck to your fuzzy friend!! 😀

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