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About Piglet the Guinea Pig

Updated: 3/23/2024

Piglet passed away December 30, 2010 due to complications from bloat. She will be greatly missed from the HappyCavy Herd. RIP Mrs. Piglet.

NAME: Piglet

DATES: August 2007 – Dec 2010

NICKNAMES: Tuk-Tuk, Piggy, The Piglet, Mrs. Piglet

Favorite snack: Tomato & mango (anything sweet!)

Piglet the guinea pig was adopted June 6, 2009, from a private party in Banks, Oregon.

During Piglet’s stay at the HappyCavy Forever Home, Piglet was The Queen. She spent her days laying around, resting in her pigloo, and dominating snack time. A lot of people thought she looked like a bear…maybe it was her slow, calculating nature or her beautiful black coat. She loved to sleep and eat, and thought there was nothing better than snacky time!

Catch up on the Piglet tag on the HappyCavy Blog!

Piglet eating

Piglet - Nom Nom Nom

Piglet giving 'the sad look'

Piglet likes to give us sad eyes to get snacks 🙂

View more photos of Piglet on the HappyCavy Flickr Photostream.

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The HappyCavy guinea pig blog shares the joys and challenges of raising happy and healthy guinea pigs.

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