1547 was the earliest known written account of a guinea pig [source]
More About Baby Roo: Where I Live, What I Eat
My Friends: JuneBug, Annie
Baby Roo the guinea pig was adopted by HappyCavy on Tuesday, September 4, 2018, along with her sister, JuneBug, from PGPR, a Portland-Oregon based network of volunteers.
Baby Roo is a spunky, mischievous guinea pig prone to sudden bursts of energy. And Baby Roo’s favorite past-time is to tunnel under anything she can fit under, much to the Humans’ chagrin.
Baby Roo brings a lot of laughs to the HappyCavy household, especially when the Humans need to hold her. Her signature move is to quickly lick her lips right after she’s picked up. When the Humans used to have a hard time telling Baby Roo and JuneBug apart (they looked so similar!), the lip-smacking always gave Baby Roo away. (That, and JuneBug had a solid white stripe on her back. Baby Roo has a zig-zag stripe.) Baby Roo is a very helpful pig!
Baby Roo used to be the smallest guinea pig in the HappyCavy herd. But now that Annie has joined the family, Baby Roo plays the role of big sister to Annie since she’s no longer the tiniest cavy.
Baby Roo loved her late sister, JuneBug, and would look for her frantically when JuneBug left for appointments. When JuneBug returned, they’d find each other to let the other know they’re okay.